Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
The Happy Hokey Pokey Meme

1. Who should run for United States President in 2012?
I think the Republican Party needs to start searching for someone with a BRAIN. Otherwise, I'm rather fearful about the outcome, especially if Obama hasn't fixed all the TeaBaggers' problems by then.
2. Have you ever gone to a party and snooped in the medicine cabinet?
Nope. I know people who do. We don't have a medicine cabinet in our powder room, just a cupboard with lots of beach towels and cleaning products. Go nuts, folks!
3. Why are Happy Meals happy?
I've wondered this for years. I have no idea. They have no right whatsoever to be happy. WTF, Happy Meals, WTaF?!
4. Have you ever done the Hokey Pokey?
Of course. Even my dad--who didn't dance at all--did the Hokey Pokey!
5. What song sticks in your head and drives you crazy?
Thanks for reminding me of the tune for the Hokey Pokey. Actually, the one that really does stick in my head for a variety of reasons is "Do Your Ears Hang Low?" OMG OMG OMG
6. Do you dance like crazy around the house when no one is looking?
I dance like crazy around the house when people ARE looking, at least family members. Can you think of a better way to annoy a teenager?
7. Have you ever been involved in a food fight?
No. I do not see the attraction here, which probably marks me as a big ol' party pooper, but I don't really care; I'm too busy dancing like crazy around the house.

1 sweet-talkers :

Mimi Lenox said...

What IS the point of a food fight? Dancing, yes. Throwing macaroni 'n cheese, no.

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