Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Mayhem

(Link in meme-roll)
Crummy Weather Meme

1. What city, in your opinion, has the crummiest weather?
Of those I've lived in/near, I'll go with Milwaukee; cold, cloudy winters, and muggy, buggy summers. Yuck.
2. What kind of weather is the crummiest weather that your current home experiences?
Well, I'm not a huge fan of the clouds in the winter, the humidity in the summer, and the wind. But, it could definitely be worse. And sometimes we get weather like today's!
3. When the weather alerts and alarms go off, what do you do?
Around here, I turn on the weather radio, and if necessary I hit the basement (for tornadoes) or set the alarm an hour earlier (for snowstorms).
4. What is the crummiest weather event that you have personally ever experienced?
It's probably a toss-up between the blizzards that have blown in and a couple of microbursts, i.e. mini-tornadoes.
5. Where would you rather be stuck for a month: somewhere where there is 20 inches of snow and below freezing temps or somewhere where it is painfully hot and humid?
As long as I have shelter and appropriate HVAC access, I don't really care, though it's easier to get around without snow on the ground.
6. What kind of weather keeps you indoors?
Most weather, to be honest. I have enough environmental allergies that I can't really be outside this time of year and in the spring. It's too hot in the high summer, and winter is too cold. So, late fall after a hard frost is about it for me.
7. Tell us the name of one famous person and the kind of weather you would wish upon them.
I would love to see Paris Hilton stranded on an ice floe in the Arctic.
8. If you were the official ruler of all weather, what kind of weather would you make happen?
Upper 80s, low humidity, high clouds.
9. What kinds of weather do you dread?
That yucky lead-in to a big thunderstorm, the funny light, the dead calm, the green-gray clouds. Not fun.
10. What's your weather like today?
It was absolutely gorgeous. See #8 for a description.

1 sweet-talkers :

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I'm with you on Paris. Let the games begin!

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