Thursday, August 4, 2011


(Link in meme-roll)
Drawing eyebrows with a Sharpie and other crazy things

1) Daily deal websites (like Groupon, LivingSocial, Seize the Deal, and even the pet-oriented DoggyLoot) are all the rage right now. Have you bought anything from any of those deal websites?
Nope. Not my deal, not my thing at all.
2) A former classmate of mine posted a Facebook status recently saying that she finally got her first "real world" job, to which I welcomed her to the hell of adulthood. She responded by saying, "Hell is being an adult and still having a part-time job at Old Navy!" How would you describe hell on earth?
Being in the hospital waiting for 10 hours to find out if you're going home that day or not.
3) Many people are doing their back-to-school shopping for their children or themselves right now. Did you have a favorite character/theme for your school supplies when you were in school? Or, do you like to have unique supplies (like the high heel shoe-shaped tape dispenser on my office desk) for your office/home today?
Theme? I got a new lunchbox most years in grade school--because the old one was usually rusted, and some new clothes. I got one folder and spiral notebook for each class. Mostly I used Pee-Chees, because most everyone at my school used 'em and they were cheap. I miss Pee-Chees. Anyway, yeah, themes were sort of a decade or more past my time.
4) Speaking of office supplies, some people love using Sharpie markers to draw in eyebrows. What is your favorite use for a Sharpie?
Uh, yeah, I like to use them to WRITE WITH! Concept, eh?
5) Who is a celebrity you'd love to sit down and have a conversation with?
Bono. Though it would probably be more me listening/him talking than a proper conversation. Which is fine.
6) I recently discovered a list of 100 "crazy" things you should do before you die. (Click here to read.) What is something you think everyone should do before they die?
Love someone so much you are willing to die for them, without even taking the time to think about it.
7) What is the worst job in the world?
Any job that makes you feel small and useless and unnecessary.
8) What television show's filming would you love to be in the audience watching?
It might be fun to see the Drew Carey MGM Grand show--can't remember its name, but Sparky has watched every one of them so many times he has them memorized.
9) Some people are annoyed when other people talk on cell phones while in line at a store. I discovered something even more annoying -- someone ahead of me paying for a case of beer with all pennies. When you've been behind someone in the checkout lane at a store, what is the most annoying thing a person has done?
Sometimes, just being in front of me is annoying enough. Beast gets absolutely furious when people don't (didn't?) start writing their check out until after their stuff has been scanned.
10) I don't know if they really exist or not, but I heard a TV show talking about memory foam toilet seats. Do you think a toilet seat made from memory foam that shapes to your specific bottom sounds like a good idea?
Sounds great until you think about having to clean it. So, yeah, no thanks.

1 sweet-talkers :

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I so agree on the hospital thing. I hate losing control. But, since I've had some major health issues over the last decade, I understand it better, but I still hate it. Oh, and that toilet seat is so bad on so many levels!

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