(Link in meme-roll)
The Honesty Meme
Complete the Sentences:
Right now I'm feeling... tired and headachy.
When I'm alone I feel... absolutely wonderful!
When I'm surrounded by people I feel... wary. If it's a mad crush of people, I actually feel a bit of fear.
One thing I hate is... my laziness.
One thing I really like about myself is ... that I've gotten better at some hard things over the years.
When I'm feeling sad I... cry.
When I daydream it's usually about... solving problems.
I'm afraid of... what can't be seen, what might happen.
I'm happiest when... I'm with kids.
One thing that really worries me is ... Beast's health. (you have no idea how long I stared at this one thinking, "I worry about EVERYthing!!")
If I could change one thing about myself it would be... I'd worry less about what I can't do anything about. See above.
If I could be with anyone right now I would be with... Sparky. I'm fortunate to be sitting next to him on the sofa right now, each of us tippy-tapping on our respective laptops. Sigh. I'll miss this when he's at college.
The family member I am closest to is... outside of this household, it's probably Elizabeth, my oldest niece.
If I was really honest with my father I would tell him... (too late--he's dead) But I wish I'd told him what a good example he was, and how much I appreciate all the things he 'lectured' on at the dinner table, and how he set the standard for Christian behavior for me.
One thing I regret about my life is ... all the things I didn't say to or hear from people who are gone now.
If I only had one more day to live I would... make a TON of phone calls to friends and family. Probably cry a lot, too.
If I was really honest with my mother i would tell her... (too late--she's dead, too) I wish I could have told her that I loved her more often. I wish I could have explained how important it has been for me to have had her as an example of a woman who stood on her own two feet and did the right thing when it was hard.
One thing about me that nobody knows is... that I'm crying right now.
I hope that someday in the future... we humans figure out how to stop being so mean to each other.
When I think about my family I feel... angsty.
Something I'm really embarrassed about is... the fact that I still haven't called Dean even though I promised James I would do it last week.
One thing about me I never want to change is... my laugh.
One thing I feel really proud of is... my son.
Blogsville has helped me to... kill time. lol OK, seriously, it's been a safe haven for venting when I couldn't say things IRL. It's also made me less liable to take what people say (online or face-to-face) at face value.
One thing I like about blogsville is... that I've made some really good friends, and learned so much from people, and had a lot of good laughs.
Sunday night
5 years ago
4 sweet-talkers :
*Virtual hugs*
Reading this made me feel a little teary! I may steal this meme for my own blog - will link back if I do!
I'm guessing your folks knew exactly how you felt about them. I can tell from way over here. :)
I stole and have duly linked back to you as promised. My answers are here.
There are fifty-bazillion things I am too tongue-tied to say about your answers.
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