Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
You May Be Right

1. What is the craziest thing you've done in the last year?
This has not been my year for crazy, which is kind of a shame, isn't it? From the outside, I suppose flying to England for a weekend last summer counts It was a funeral, so it wasn't exactly a pleasure trip.
2. What is something that you've lost recently?
I'm hoping it's only misplaced but we are switching email servers and I seem to have lost all my old email + my recurring tasks, and possibly my contacts list. If so, I am a wee bit unhappy at the prospect of having to start over with everything. I save that shit for a reason!
3. Where does your patience suffer the most?
I get cranky when people ask me stupid questions when I'm in a big hurry to get my own work done. [This meme has turned into Why This Week Sucked At Work...]
4. Have you ever reread a book?
{head-desk} Uhm, yeah. A few. All the Little House books, Alice in Wonderland, Jane Eyre, and parts of the Bible spring immediately to mind. That's if you don't count all the books I read to Sparky when he was little, some of which I still have memorized. "Thomas the Tank Engine says, "Good Night." "...Aunt Annie's alligator, A A A."
5. What is a TV show that you absolutely HATE to miss?
We have a DVR so we don't really miss anything anymore. I do hate getting behind with Survivor or TAR, because it's so hard to find time to catch up. And I don't like missing Packer games. ;-)
6. How old do you wish you were?
I'm ok with my current age. It would be nice if my body was closer to 25 in age, however.
7. Do you know your neighbors?
Yup. Most of them. Well, ok, SOME of them. There are a few that I keep my distance from cuz they make me unaccountably nervous, but the vast majority are splendid.
8. Do you believe that opposites attract?
Sure, magnetically at least. ;-) Personality-wise, I think it's good to have someone close to you who thinks a little bit differently than you do. Keeps you on your toes and provides a reality check when one is needed.
9. Who was the last person that made you laugh?
Beast and I were ROFLing last night over some random thing we heard on TV just as we headed upstairs to make our bed. The best part is that I could hear Sparky rolling his eyes at us in his bedroom.

5 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I love that you could hear Sparky rolling his eyes.

That makes the laughing even better!

CinfulCinnamon said...

Stopping over from the Saturday 9. I hope you get your contacts back. That's happened to me, and there will be some people that think you did it on purpose. Have a great weekend. I'm a new follower too.

Caz said...

Baby, barber, bumblebee. Yeah, we've got about a million kids' books memorized, I wonder how long it will take to get those parts of my memory back!

Cat. said...

Our recipient of all that book larnin' is starting college this fall. I don't think I'll be seeing those brain cells over-written with new data at this point! :-)

I am Harriet said...

I'm pretty cool with my age too. Although, I'm pretty secretive of what it is :)

Enjoy your weekend!

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