Saturday, June 18, 2011

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday 6

1. Where do you get the majority of your news: from the newspaper, the radio, the television or online?
I get it from Beast and online via Twitter or random postings other people do, and Bill Maher. Occasionally, NPR. I stream the local paper to my RSS feeder, too, so I can see what's going on in the near vicinity.
2. Do you currently have a newspaper subscription that includes an actual paper delivery?
Beast gets the Big City paper from the Giant City to our east. I never read it, unless he shows me a comic or I look at the ads on Sunday.
3. What is usually the first website you visit in the morning?
My computer loads Google Reader (the RSS feeder), Blogger, Facebook, Gmail and Hootsuite automatically. Whatever I stopped looking at the last time is what I start with, either Facebook or GReader, probably.
4. Who is your favorite network news anchor?5. Who is your least favorite network news anchor?
Uhm...yeah, who IS anchoring network news nowadays? Seriously, I haven't watched the evening news in eons.
6. If newspapers converted to web-only sites, eliminating the physical paper, even at newsstands, would this bother you at all?
Nope. I'm not a fan. As they stand now, they are not much more than window washers or gossip rags, even the good ones.

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