(Found here)
1 Are you a born leader? No, but I do know how to lead in a pinch. Or, rather, in a pinch I can lead.
2 Have you had a "nasty break up"? Not really.
3 Is being a paparazzi cool job? Not in my universe.
4 Do you know where to look when someone says "2 o'clock", "9 o'clock", etc.? I know what they mean, but I don't always figure it out very quickly. Easier to just point, isn't it?
5 Do you like writing random stuff on your hand when school's getting boring? I used to. Now I just use my hand as a notepad for reminders.
6 Have you watched a hentai before? Do you even know what that is? I have not, but I do know what they are.
7 What's your favorite color combination? Blue and white.
8 Do you memorize both of your parents' phone numbers? Not necessary anymore.
9 Ever experienced sleep walking? Yes, I've done it.
10 How do you handle it when your significant other does/ says something awkward? Mostly, I guess I laugh and change the direction of the conversation.
11 Name one flick that made you cry. I cry at lots of movies, probably most movies even.
12 Do you like sleeping just wearing your underwear and a top? If it's warm enough, yes.
13 Is Megan Fox hot? I wouldn't know.
14 If someone tells you you're childish, do you get offended? Nope. I'd, perhaps, punch them in the face depending on who said it, but offended, no.
15 Is there any difference between a novel and a book? Well, yeah. SOME books are actually FACTUAL.
16 Give one significant date in your life. 2/17/1997.
17 Why is it significant? Life-changing surgery.
18 "Nobody puts baby in the corner."--do you know which movie this line came from? Yes. That line reminds me of a VERY BAD meeting several years ago. During the worst part of the meeting, this line ran through my head repeatedly and intentionally, keeping me from crying.
19 Do you see the point in purity rings? Nope.
20 Do you know how to stalk without being creepy? Yup.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
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