Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Mayhem

(Link in meme-roll)
What If? Meme

What if...
Charlie Sheen were right about who he is, what he is saying and his "goddesses"?
Define "right." I would bet that he thinks he is right. Do I, or the rest of the world, share his view of the universe? No. Ergo, sucks to be him.
What if...
Potato chips were declared a vegetable?
School lunches might get slightly more popular, and kids would gain 20 MORE pounds each.
What if...
All the junk going on in parts of the world ended in peace?
War would break out elsewhere. No, scratch that; we'd actually start noticing places like the Congo where people have been dying daily for years. In any case, short of the kingdom of heaven, there is no such thing as peace everywhere.
What if...
gas prices hit $5?
We'd pay it; or should I say, we will pay it?  baa baa baa
What if...
American Idol got canceled?
Oh the horror!!! Oh, wait, I don't watch it, so it makes not the slightest bit of difference to me.
What if...
the Queen of Alaska was elected president?
I would need to ask my doctor for stronger meds to survive the next four years.
What if...
talking on a cell phone while driving became illegal?
It IS illegal where I live. In fact, my husband is not allowed, per company policy, to use his hands-free system in his car. At all. So he pulls over to talk on the phone. And since I drive a manual transmission, I try not to talk on the phone in the car either. Too complicated.
What if...
Bud and Kathy invited you to a party- would you go?
Shuuu-YEAH! O' course! But I'd need about 6-months' notice to get it on the schedule since it would involve a plane ticket. ;-)
What if...
you found $1000 sitting in the road?
I'd turn it in to the cops. No one loses that kind of money without noticing.

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