(Found here)
What was the last Disney movie you watched? I have no idea. I sorta gave up animated stuff when Sparky grew out of them.
When was the last time you danced with someone? The last time we were at a wedding, I probably danced with Beast.
How did you get rid of your hiccups the last time you had them? I think I held my breath.
Was your last missed call because you were ignoring the person? No. I was asleep.
Do you find the lead singer of your favorite band attractive? Well, yeah, isn't that part of the point?
Have you ever been to the sand dunes? I've been in sand dunes; I'm not sure if they were THE sand dunes.
Do you like the Halloweentown movies? Nope.
What are you best at cooking or baking? Pasta.
Does anyone in your favorite band have a side project? Yup, just found out Bono has recorded some songs on his own.
Have you ever worn a cloak? Yes. I think....
How about a trenchcoat? Yup.
Do you enjoy reading Shakespeare? I do. I love Shakespeare.
Have you ever worn a fake mustache? Only attached to Groucho glasses.
Tell me a story of you being strange as a child. We had stepping stones along the driveway, and I would drive my brother's toy cars from "town" (stone) to "town" making up stories about what was going on as I went. I don't think I ever got past the 4th stone.
Have you ever wished that you were a witch or a warlock? Sure. I watched a LOT of Bewitched as a child. REALLY wanted to make the magic happen.
What is your favorite thing to learn about? Techy stuff. I'm actually just a trivia sponge.
Are you like me and wish your life was more exciting? No. I want my life to be as boring as it can be. Yes, I'm dead serious.
Did you read The Magic Schoolbus books when you were little? Uh...I'm 47. You figure out the answer to this.
How often do you clean your cellphone? CLEAN it? It doesn't really ever get dirty, though I do wipe the screen and mouthpiece once in awhile.
Do you and your siblings get along well? I get along great with my oldest sister. Not so much with my brother. The other two...yeah, well...hard to argue with dead people.
You are given a free trip to either SeaWorld or Disneyland. Which do you choose? SeaWorld.
What is/was your high school mascot? We were the Pirates. Which is insane, considering the biggest body of water nearby was a reservoir smaller than most retention ponds.
How long was your longest relationship in high school? Wellll...the first round was probably 6 months, and then we got back together for about 3 months.
Do you know who Philip DeFranco is? No, but you can bet I just Googled him.
What's the biggest age difference you've ever had in a relationship? If we're talking about dating, real honest-to-god dating, it's about a year. If we're talking about all relationships...well, yeah, my grandmother was almost 90 years older than me.
Did you hear about that guy who glued a kitty to a highway?! Ugh. What? No, I am NOT Googling that!
Does your cell phone have different vibrate intensities? Nope, purely binary: on/off.
Do you have any allergies? Shitloads of em.
Don't you just love NigaHiga? Never heard of it, Googled it, don't care about it.
What's the most illegal thing you've EVER done? Speeding. REALLY speeding. Stupidly.
Where did/do you want to get married? I got married in the town in which Beast and I went to college.
What's the highest level of education you've reached? I have a Master's degree, and am still doing continuing education in the School of Hard Knocks.
Is your last name extremely common, like Gonzalez? Heh, no. Not.At.All. I'm quite singular.
Ever notice how most flags are red, white, and blue? Yeah, like that German flag...oh, no, I mean the Japanese...uh, the Ital... Nevermind. Whoever wrote this question is an idiot.
Have you ever had a crush on a family member? There was an uncomfortable period of time when I sorta was crushing on a couple of my brothers-in-law.
In 2012, will you vote for Obama's re-election? Yes. Or, well, whoever's the least likely to be a complete asshat.
How old is your YOUNGEST friend? Charlie and Ian are 4. I think. Maybe Ian's 3.
How old is your OLDEST friend? Fran is 90.
How long should people be together before they propose? Propose to do what? OK, seriously, this is totally an individual thing. No way I'm gonna try to legislate that.
Have you had your first touch screen phone yet? Nope.
Don't you hate when parents divorce but then still argue regularly? Well, I do think it's ridiculous when adults can't let go of petty shit, yeah.
Out of all your friends, who has the prettiest eyes? Amy and Jenny both have lovely eyes.
Out of all your girl friends, who has the biggest boobs? Wow, yeah, moving right on....
Out of all your guy friends, who has the most body hair? Like I would know?!
What is the dumbest internet sensation you've heard of? I'm pretty unclear on why people are into the whole LOLZ thing.
Would you ever join the military? I doubt very much that they'd have me. When they would've, I wouldn't've.
When did you first see snow? At what AGE?! Probably within weeks, or days, of my birth.
When you are typing, do the words ever come out in the wrong place? Today was a bad day for this very thing.
If you could have any dog, what dog would you have? A mutt from the pound.
Would you ever kill a bunny and make soup out of it? If I needed to eat, absolutely.
Do any of your friends own a ferret? I don't think so.
What is the most overplayed song on the radio? I wouldn't know--I don't listen to the radio anymore.
What would you do if that song played during your "first time?" {eyeroll}--grow up.
What are we going to do about all these muffin tops? Put them on diets. Or, better, take their picture from the rear and show them what they look like.
Do you believe that Christians are better than non-Christians? Nope.
Do boys really rock pink more than girls do? What? I feel like I just went down the rabbit hole.
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yeah, NO!
Are you aware that tight shirts only make your fat more obvious? Yes, dear, I am very aware of that. Point?
What's your view on the Islam culture? The same as pretty much any other culture: interesting, worthwhile, not something I'm willing to adopt wholesale.
What's your favorite thing to have for breakfast? Pancakes.
Do you ever say, "evidently?" I do.
Do you know what, "C'est la vie" means? I do. Without Googling, even. Do you know what reductio ad absurdum means?
Did you hear that Obama authorized the CIA to kill Americans out of the US? Shut it. Damn, I hate stupid people.
Do balloons make you have a better birthday? Not particularly, no. I haven't had balloons in years, and that's ok with me.
Krispy kreme donuts aren't as good as Dunkin Donuts, are they? I'm not that fussy.
What is the most romantic thing YOU have ever done? Oh hell, I don't know.
What is your favorite song from "Aventura?" Whoops, down the rabbit hole again.
If you could legally assassinate any celebrity, who would it be? I wouldn't assassinate anyone, but I'd sure like it if Sarah Palin would just fucking GO to Russia and annoy Putin for the rest of my life.
Do you use Twitter or Formspring? Never heard of Formspring, but I do tweet.
Why did you last cry? I was laughing VERY HARD at Date Night earlier tonight.
If you had to lose 5 lbs, how would you do it? Stop eating.
Is there anyone who seems to think that you are a pillow? Not anymore; Sparky used to.
Tell me about your WORST Valentine's day ever. I don't have any memory of this at all. I suppose it might be the year I had surgery the weekend of Val Day in '97.
Tell me about your BEST New Year's Eve ever. We have an adorable picture of Sparky on New Year's Eve 1999, taken at 11:40 p.m. sound asleep in the papa-san chair.
If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? I'd probably go back to my maiden name, alone.
Do you need love in your life? Of course. Don't we all?
Lunapic editor is amazing, no? Rabbit hole.
How do YOU write "Okay?" OK. ok. Ok.
What was your favorite Judy Blume book? Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
Sunday night
5 years ago
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