Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Five

(Link in meme-roll)

1. What is your favorite section of the newspaper?
I'm a sucker for the Op-Ed pages.
2. Sunday comics or weekday strips? Which comic is your favorite?
I don't read 'em anymore. They just stopped being funny to me, overall. Beast shows me the good ones when he sees 'em.
3. Do you read your daily horoscope? Do you believe in it?
Nope. Never.
4. Does the paper become bird cage lining, do you recycle, or does it get thrown in the trash?
We use it for the guinea pig cage liner, and we recycle the rest.
5. Where do you read the paper? At home, at work, or elsewhere?
At home.
The only paper I still read at all regularly is the local weekly paper. It doesn't have cartoons or horoscopes, one of the reasons I like it.

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