Friday, January 14, 2011

Cinn's Friday 5

(Link in meme-roll)
no more trials, no more tests

[01] What food are you unable to resist?
Lately, it seems EVERY kind of food is irresistible. However, in general, I gotta go with carbs, bread specifically.
[02] If you could support one charitable cause as a full-time career, what would it be and why?
Ooh, wow. Uhm, Heifer Project or Red Cross are the front-runners for sure. Maybe the Central Asia Institute.
[03] What famous person do you admire?
I admire anyone famous who makes more than a nodding effort to help others, whether that be financially or physically.
[04] How do you express yourself creatively?
Pretty much here. And possibly at work in some of my more random moments of cataloging.
[05] Who is one person from your past you wouldn't mind seeing, if only for an hour?
I have hope that I'll see everyone from my past again in the future, but I'd love to meet my mom's dad. he died 20+ years before I was born.

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