Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)

1. I am good when I am asleep.

2. I am naughty when I am awake.

3. The world would be a better place if people would Deck the Halls with chunks of their egos instead of boughs of holly.

4. Have you ever snuck into the living room in the middle of the night, unwrapped your gifts and wrapped them back just to see what was under the Christmas tree for you? Come on.....you can tell me.
Nope. My mom would've killed me, and by the time I was an adult, I recognized that it would ruin the whole Christmas 'thing.'
Sidenote: I've always wanted to know what really goes on in the Gingerbread House after dark. I've never seen any cookies come out of that place. Have you?
5. Have you ever been stuck in a chimney?
Really? No, I don't hang out in chimneys. Haven't you seen "The Goonies"?
6. Who would you like to stuff in a stocking and why?
This could be taken two ways, I think. I'd like to stuff a lot of (not-to-be-named) people in a stocking with some rocks and sink it. But I'd certainly not turn down George Clooney. Lots of other guys too, but they all seem to be married, or at least in committed relationships.
7. Could you name the 12 Disciples Days of Christmas, the 3 Musketeers Wise Men and all of Santa's medications Reindeer if your life depended on it? OK wiseguy. Prove it.
The gifts in the traditional song are:
Day One: partridge
Day Two: turledoves
Day Three: French hens
Day Four: calling birds
Day Five: golden rings
Day Six: geese a-laying
Day Seven: swans a-swimming
Day Eight: maids a-milking
Day Nine: ladies dancing
Day Ten: lords a-leaping
Day Eleven: pipers piping
Day Twelve: drummers drumming

Technically, we don't know how many Wise Men there were, but the traditional three were supposedly named Gaspar, Balthazar, and Melchior.

The reindeer are: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph.
8. On the 13th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me a plane ticket FAR away from all the ruckus??

9. Imagine that Santa Claus really does exist for a moment. (I can say that this week. Baby Boy is not listening right now ) Anyway, if the Big Guy could grant you any wish, what would your most hedonistic and self-centered wish be? (You can say it. I won't tell. I'm Mimi Boop today.)
I want to go back to being 25 or 26, physically, for the rest of my life. And when I die, I want to die quickly.
10. When you make your list, do you check it twice and find out who's been naughty or nice or do you just get everybody a box of chocolate covered cherries and call it a day?
Fuckit, who's got time to check it once, much less twice, in this economy. You're getting a gift card, if you get anything. Be happy or give it back! ;-)

2 sweet-talkers :

Anonymous said...

at least we agree on our moods when awake....

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

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