Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday Five

(Link in meme-roll)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

1. Do you celebrate the religious aspect of Christmas or the commercial aspect of Christmas?
I'm in it for both, but the religious aspect is more important to me. I'd get along without the swag, but it's fun to watch people open the presents you bought, and to see what others bought you.
2. What's your favorite activity to celebrate the holidays? (i.e. baking goodings [sic], making ornaments, etc.)
Does eating count? Shopping post-Christmas? Sleeping as much as possible?
3. Would you rather give or receive?
I like receiving, of course--who doesn't? But it's fun to see people get excited about opening their own gifts. Especially kids.
4. What is the gift you are most anxious to give this holiday season and who is it for? What makes is so special?
I hope Beast is going to FLIP over his (main) gift. We'll be using it in Italy this spring.
5. What is the most memorable gift you have ever gotten for Christmas? Why did it stand out more compared to other ones?
The Barbie Dream House is the go-to on this question. I'm not totally sure why it was such a big deal, except that it may have been the last large 'kid' present I got. After that it was all clothes and boring stuff.

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