(Found here)
Does your head hurt when you cry? Not until after, usually. But yeah, and usually a lot. I'm not a pretty cry-er either, so....
Who was the last person to comfort you? Beast. As usual.
Are you currently wearing any socks? Nope. And my toes are slightly cold, too. Grr.
What's the closest thing to your right hand? Outside of the computer, my leg, and the couch, I guess that would be my wallet. I just bought a baby shower present online.
When was the last time you made a wish? No clue. Not sure I've done it for quite some time.
Have you ever watched a foreign film with English subtitles? Yes. I've also watched a foreign film with foreign subtitles. ...OK, I'll stop.
When was the last time you wore athletic shorts? I don't think I own any of these anymore.
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? Eventually, yes. For a minute. Though that might be optimistic: maybe more like a second.
What's the closest transparent object to you? My cell-phone cover.
What was the last thing you swallowed?: DDP.
Do you like mayonnaise? Did I even spell that right? Yes I do, within reason, and yes you spelled it right, you brainiac.
Anyways... When was the last time you went out in the rain? About 40 minutes ago. Technically I was on the porch, so I didn't get wet, but yay, rain. Ozone.
Have you ever seen a Tim Burton movie, like Coraline, 9, etc.?: I've seen Beetlejuice and Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, both of which I liked.
Do you keep 3D glasses after you've left the movie theatre? I have never seen a 3D movie in the theatre. I suspect they'd make me sick to my stomach.
When was the last time you heard a British accent in person? A real one? Someone in my family, probably, or no...one of the flight attendants.
Who was the last person to unsurprisingly disappoint you? Myself. And Sparky.
Do you know what FTW stands for? Yup. I live with a teenager.
When was the last time you went bowling? Several years. That's sort of a bummer.
Do you like cats? Not much. Plus, they make me itchy and sneezy.
Do you use aerosol hairspray? It's bad for the environment, you know. I know, and I almost never use hairspray, of any kind.
What was the last food you choked on? I don't remember the last time I choked on something.
Who was the last person you disappointed? Oh, hell, I dunno. Myself, and before that I guess would be the library board member I dealt with today.
Do you really miss someone right now? Every fucking second. Seems to be getting worse, too.
Do you think anyone can really reach "Nirvana" at some point? Only part of the band is left, so no. As for "nirvana" as a metaphysical concept, sure. Why not?
What's the capital of the state you reside in? The dollar is our capital.
What is the last advice you gave someone? "Don't drive home till the rain/hail/wind stops, Sparky."
Do you ever dip your fingers in wet candle wax? Not much. I used to, back when I had no life and too much time.
When was the last time you sweated sweat really bad? Walking all around Purdue this summer in nearly 100-degree heat.
Do you write it, alot or a lot? "A lot" because that.is.correct.
Does it annoy you when people are always smiling and happy all the time? Only when I'm super-cranky.
What was the last rule you broke? "Moms are meant to create tasty, filling, healthy meals for their family." (or takeout Mexican)
Have you ever hazed someone or been hazed? I don't recall ever being hazed in a major way, beyond the teasing that comes with being a newbie. And vice-versa.
What is your opinion on abortion? Hands off my body. Really, you can trust me to vote, but not to make good decisions on the big stuff?
Miley Cyrus rings your door bell, and asks for some shelter. You say..? Well, if there are 'media' around, the door is shut and I'm calling 911. If not, sure, come on in, but the first diva behavior and she's right back out. I don't really anticipate it being an issue.
What would you say if someone called you at 3 am to have a casual convo? I'd probably hang up on them without too much debate, but I'd also probably bawl them out the next time I saw them.
Have you ever made a SERIOUS typo, and couldn't go back and change it? I used a typewriter yesterday for the first time in a decade. That was humbling.
Have you ever yelled at an authority figure? I was raised to do this. And I do. Not without necessity, however.
When was the last time you had to pee really badly? Uhh....not sure.
What was the last thing you regretted eating? The yogurt I brought from home today. It was...ugly-foul.
Have you ever met anyone famous? Nope. One minor character actor that you'd recognize if you saw. Otherwise, no.
Do you like screamo music? No. Yuck. I am stopped at the name alone.
Do you know anyone with some serious talent? Yes I do. Almost everyone I know has talents that amaze me.
When was the last time you made fun of someone? Today. It's not a day if I don't do it once!
What was the last thing you yelled? "OH MY GOSH! Why is the volume on commercials so much louder than the show??"
Will you save all your answers? It's no fun if you dont :] A-roo--it's a blog, so...yeah.
What did your last text message say? Sent: "Lol yeah definitely not :-)"
Received: "Or not."
Who was it from? They are both to and from Beast.
What are you listening to? We're watching the season premiere of NCIS.
What's your favorite day of the week? Why? I do like Mondays. I don't work, and I usually get a lot of work done around the house, and errands run. And sometimes a nap!
Who did you last talk to? Beast and Sparky are sitting here in the room with me. So, one of them.
Are you good at hiding your feelings? I'm a freakin' Oscar-winner some days.
What's the closest pink object to you? The handle of the nail file on the table next to me.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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