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Chapter 1: The Basics
Initials: The same as a technical journal in my field. This I continue to find uproariously funny.
Middle name: As if, after 8 years of blogging I'm suddenly going to let this one go? Not.
Nickname(s): Cat.
Sex: F
Date of birth: Almost two weeks before Kennedy was shot. John, not Bobby.
Star sign: ...which would make me a Scorpio.
Place of birth: Denver.
Current location: FAR away from Denver. ...sadly
Height: 171.5 cm
Weight: More than optimal.
Hair length: Top of my shoulder blades...ish.
Hair color: Brown and gray.
Eye color: Hazel.
Skin tone: Pink.
Piercings: One hole in each earlobe.
Tattoos: Nope.
Scars and birthmarks: I have a few; the most likely to be noticed might be on my right earlobe.
Chapter 2: The Background
Mother's name: Her middle name was Josephine.
Mother's occupation: Full-time mom and homemaker, but she also worked in the county court clerk's office when I was growing up.
Mother's hometown: Denver.
Father's name: Same as Sparky's middle name, same as James' middle name, same as Ham's first name. It's a good, useful name.
Father's occupation: Well...let's see: he built buildings, including houses and mortuaries. He sold commercial real-estate. He consulted. OMG, he had a lot of jobs. He was also a good daddy.
Father's hometown: The same as mine.
Do you live with your parents? ...in a manner of speaking, I suppose...
Do you get along with your parents? I always got along a lot better with Dad than Mom.
Are you parents married/separated/divorced? Married.
Do you have any siblings? There were 5 of us, once upon a time. Now down to 3.
What pets do you have? Two guinea pigs.
Did you grow up in a different place then [sic] where you are now? Ayup.
Where did you spend your summers as a child? Hanging out at home. I almost never even saw my friends for the whole summer. Watched TV, read, slept in.... Boring.
What was the name of your elementary school? M@dd0x.
Who were your best friends in elementary school? Varied by grade. Laura D., Kathy B., Mary C., Morgan R., Laura M. ... some others.
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school? I liked Mrs. Weitman.
What was your best memory from elementary school? The crickets in our terrariums (terraria?) in 4th grade. Awesome. The spiders ate them. This was the plan. But there were lots of escapees chirping for weeks after the whole things was done.
Worst memory? The other kids, generally.
What was the name of your junior high? It's quite an ironic name for a very dry state, and yet...not because of it's location. But it's actually named after a former teacher.
Who were your best friends? Laura M., Annie W., Teri W., Rene S., Alicia B. ... some others.
Who was your favorite teacher? Mrs. Welch was pretty cool. Mr. Shupe was a riot. Mr. Gilchrist was fun.
What was your best memory? Well, it wouldn't be Home Ec, that's for sure. Maybe the dance where Ron M. kissed me under the mistletoe?
Worst memory? Talent show. OMG, I still shudder to think about it.
What was the name of your high school? It's named after the town. Very imaginative.
Who were your best friends? Pretty much the same as junior high, plus Beth B., Ann B., and Michelle G.
Who was your favorite teacher? Ms. Phillipi, Miss Fitz, Mrs. Grube.
What was your best memory? Many of them would involve band....
Worst memory? Many of them involve cheerleaders.
Out of elementary, junior high, or high school, which did you like best? High school is probably tied with grade school. Both were difficult and good in similar measure.
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings? We all attended all the same schools, except a couple of my sisters briefly attended a different grade school.
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents? My junior high was in the building my dad went to for high school before the 'new' school was built (in the 50s). My mom was schooled elsewhere.
What is your family's cultural heritage? We are mutts: British, French-Canadian, French, Scots-Irish, Dutch, German...and probably a few we don't know about.
Chapter 3: The Favorites
city: London. [seriously, Denver is my favorite city, but it doesn't count for me because it's home]
vacation spot: Mountains.
sport: Football.
food: Sweets.
dessert: Cheesecake. Or wedding cake; actually, just the frosting is fine.
drink: DDP.
alcoholic drink: Vodka tonic.
place to eat: The couch.
ice cream flavor: Peppermint.
season: Autumn.
holiday: Thanksgiving.
clothing brand: "Reasonably priced" lol... OK, so actually, I really like Kohl's brands.
make up brand: Don't wear makeup.
shampoo/conditioner: Back to Basics.
supermodel: Aroo?
actor: Oh, I dunno. Laurence Fishburne?
actress: ...sigh... I can't think of one I adore...
athlete: Reggie White, God rest his soul.
athletic team: Packers.
old nickelodeon show: Uhm?
number: 16. Or 8
color: Blue.
word: Indubitably.
phrase: I think if you read the blog long enough, or even for the past month, you'll pick 'em out.
magazine: EW, Ms., Real Simple.
cheesy pick up line: I don't believe in these.
language: Italian. Not that I speak it....
country: I'm partial to this one, but Greece, Scotland, and Italy are awesome. Even Russia has a lot going for it.
flower: Heirloom roses.
girls name: Josephine.
boys name: David.
Chapter 4: This or That
lefty/righty: R
rock/country: Lean toward rock.
diamonds/pearls: If I had to pick, diamonds. But I like sapphires better than either.
blondes/brunettes: Brunettes ftw.
new york/montana: Montana FTSeriousW!!
usa/canada: Uhm. Well, USA is my home, but Canada is nice and all.
gold/silver: Silver.
hummer limo/stretch: Stretch of the non-Hummer variety.
gatorade/powerade: Yuck. I'll go thirsty, thanks.
diet coke/regular: Diet.
chicken fingers/chicken nuggets: Strips. Are those fingers?
mcdonalds/burger king: McD's.
subway/taco bell: TACO BELL!!
gravol/pepto bismol: Never heard of Gravol. So Pepto, I guess.
plane/train: Depends on the destination. Trains look mighty promising anymore compared to the hassle at the airport nowadays.
skiing/snowboarding: Oh, yeah, no. I'll just go for a walk, or sit in the lodge and read.
cliff diving/shark diving: Since I can't swim, I think I'll stay on the boat.
east coast/west coast: West.
marissa/summer: aROO??
Bush/Kerry: Kerry. Wow, old meme much?
Britney/Christina: Xtina.
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: I'd rather have hot needles shoved into my eyes.
The OC/Laguna Beach: ...more needles, under my fingernails.
Flintstones/Jetsons: Hmm. Flintstones, I guess. I like Betty. And Bam-Bam.
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: ...more needles, under my toenails.
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World: Growing Pains. I always liked the parents.
Brady Bunch/Partridge Family: Partridges!!! OMG: Keith....sigh.....
peanut butter/jelly: Yes. Though I use honey instead of jelly.
creamy/crunchy: Creamy.
red rover/capture the flag: Red Rover. The only time I remember doing Capture the Flag, I ran face-first into a brick wall.
mother may i/simon says: Mother May I.
lake/pool: Lake. With good sunning rocks, lots of ducks, no boats, and sun.
snow day/spring day: SPRING!
chihuahua/bernese mountain dog: I could stand being in the presence of a chihuahua MUCH longer...fuck'n allergies.
London/Paris: London. I have zero interest in ever visiting Paris.
shower/bath: Bath. Which I should be doing right now.
love/money: Who would answer this "money" in public?? Love.
Nike/Adidas: Naturalizers (thus showing my age).
peanuts/crackerjacks: Peanuts. I am not a fan of the CJs.
fruity pebbles/cocoa puffs: Neither. YUCK.
AIM/MSN: I use MSN because Beast has a hotmail account so we can IM there. But I prefer Facebook chat or Google Chat. So I use Meebo where I can see everyone at once.
Blahnik/Birkenstock: Famous Footwear.
Chanel/Louis Vuitton: Kohl's.
Janice Dickinson/Twiggy: ANYone but Janice Dickinson.
city mouse/country mouse: Country mouse.
winter olympics/summer olympics: Summer.
NCAA/pros: Pro.
apples/bananas: Apples.
color/colour: I'm a left-ponder. No U.
Chapter 5: Do You...
Sing in the shower? Nope.
Write memos on your hand? Yep. Did this last night in fact.
Call people back? Usually.
Have your driver's license? Uh, yeah. Well, technically it's in my wallet.
Believe in love? Yup.
Knock on wood? Sometimes. When I can find it.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes, on the left.
Speak another language? I can understand and read Spanish.
Have citizenship to more than one country? Nope.
Think you're attractive? Not particularly, not today.
Wear glasses or contacts? Glasses.
Have any weird pet peeves? They are NOT weird! :-)
Have any weird hobbies? If this counts as weird, then yes.
Chapter 6: Have You Ever ...
Gone skinny dipping? Nope. Still can't swim.
Worn braces? Yes. Two years of torture.
Smoked a cigarette? Nope.
Smoked a cigar? Only by proxy. Yuck.
Smoked anything else? Not that I'm going to admit here.
Broken a bone? Probably broke a couple fingers, based on the fact that they are no longer straight.
Had stitches? Yes.
Kissed a member of the same sex? Presumably you aren't talking about kissing my mom or sisters....?
Shoplifted? Yes.
Punched someone in the face? Slapped, yes. Punched, no.
Skipped school? Like, maybe--MAYBE--once.
Flown first class? Yup. 'Twas nice.
Traveled to another continent? Yes.
Used racial slurs? Er, not seriously. I've repeated them for clarity.
Taken painkillers? Wha.......? Of course I have! Hasn't everyone?
Taken sleeping pills? Not Rx, only OTC.
Ridden in a limousine? Yup.
Gone SCUBA diving? Can't . Swim . So . No .
Been stung by a jellyfish? Shudder, no.
Been stung by a bee? Yup.
Chapter 7: Pick Your Perfect...
Pizza: Deep-dish Canadian bacon, sausage and onions from P@ul##'s.
Bagel: Sesame seed.
Smore: You can have ALL of mine.
Sandwich: Ham.
Sundae: You can have mine. I'll have a Blizzard.
Date: Picnic.
Outfit: Jeans and T.
Chapter 8: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be? The many many times I've flown off the handle.
Would you rather win an Oscar or the Nobel Prize? I'd rather stay unnoticed by the media, thanks.
What time do you get up in the morning? Somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30 on days I work depending on the day. Otherwise, 7ish.
What time do you go to sleep? 10-11ish.
If you could bring 5 items with you to a deserted island, what would they be? Sunscreen, water, flares, food, and a crate of good books.
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair? Didn't we cover this above? Still brunette.
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done? Gone skydiving.
If you were on death row, what would your final request be for your last meal? I'd probably want just about ANYthing not made in the prison kitchen.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Some days, I would LOVE to be on Tierra del Fuego. Generally though, I just like traveling, as long as there is indoor plumbing.
Name 5 people in history that you want to meet: I would want to meet Thomas Jefferson, Michelangelo, Susan B. Anthony, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Paul. Yes. That Paul.
Make three wishes: 1. Buy a house in the mountains (a small house). 2. Fix Beast's back. 3. World peace.
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be? I'd be me. That's plenty tricky enough.
If you were a superhero, what would your power be? Invisibility
If the world floods and you can only save 1 species, it would be: Unicorns.
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? One of my many numbers: 0755.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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