My blood pressure has been up all day about this blog.
I've added a page of "Standards" (i.e. rules) to the top of the sidebar. 99.9% of you won't need to read it. I've been doing memes for over 6 years now and in that time, I've only been this upset one other time, and in that case it was about the rules another person had for how she did memes. In the end, I walked away from her blog because I just thought it was silly, but it was her blog, thus her rules.
Read those last 7 words again. Got the point? Yeah, moving on then...
I want to be clear: I have not censored anyone's freedom of speech here: no comments were deleted. Maybe I'm overreacting due to some issues IRL that require me to behave with a certain level of tact and even deference. In 6 months, I may read this and roll my eyes at myself, but TODAY I AM ROYALLY PISSED OFF!
Walking into someone's house as a stranger to them and telling them what they can't say is simply discourteous. Is that clear enough for you? You can always leave the exact same way you came in. Feel free.
Sunday night
5 years ago