Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday Wickedness

(Link in meme-roll)
Today ... Hugh Grant

1. “Basically, my life is so boring, it's embarrassing.” How boring do you think your life is?
Lately, it hasn't been very boring at all, much to my chagrin. I've come to appreciate boredom in my middle years. Boredom means nothing bad is happening.
2. “But I just know from experience that accent wise, even if you're an accent genius, crossing the Atlantic is the hardest thing in the world either way.” Can you do any accents? If not, do you know someone who is good at it?
I tend to pick up the rhythms of speech wherever I am. Over the years, it's become obvious to me that it's not so much the way we pronounce things that changes, it's the emphasis and tone and timbre we use that makes a difference.
3. “For any new technology there is always controversy and there always some fear associated with it.” What technology did you at first fear that you now could not live without?
I can't think of anything technological that I've feared on sight. There's a lot I don't understand immediately, but I'm more likely to go see what the fuss is about and then jump in early (if possible) than be afraid of things.
4. “I cling to the fantasy that I could have done something more creative. Like actually writing a script, or writing a book. But the awful truth is that I... probably can't!” Do you, or have you ever, thought you have a book in you?
Don't we all? Of course I've thought about writing a book; I see books on a regular basis that I know I could improve on (at least) or write better.
5. “I had Courtney Love's left bosom out of her dress on my plate in front of me. It was extraordinary. I didn't know where to look.” Have you ever been in a similar type of situation?
I have never met Courtney Love or her bosom(s). Nor, for that matter, anyone's bosoms but my own. Having said that, I can come up with dozens of situations where I wasn't sure where to look.
6. “The moral of filmmaking in Britain is that you will be screwed by the weather.” How does the weather effect [sic] where you live?
Really, the weather doesn't affect where I live: having a job and a child in school affects where I live. I would like to live somewhere a lot less humid in the summer and a lot less fucking-cold-and-gray in the winter, but then I'd also like world peace and my sisters back too.
7. “When I think about actors I know, I'd much rather hear about who they're shagging than what film they're doing next.” How about you? Are you more interested in you favorite artist’s next work, or the TMZ side of it all?
There are very few actors I really care about the 'artistry' side of their work, and come to think of it those are the ones whose personal lives are pretty opaque. Odd, isn't it? It's fun to watch a train-wreck (ahem, Lindsay Lohan, ahem), but it's hard to respect them as 'artists' when they seem intent on eviscerating themselves.
8. “Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you're quite battle-scarred.” Have you ever felt “battled-scarred” by a relationship or relationships in general? If yes, do tell.
Well, hello, I'm 46 and just came back from burying another sister this weekend. Life is all about the battle scars.
9. “You know everyone loves to be the villain.” Do you tend to root for the bad guy?
Nope. Never have, unless the Good Guy is a complete asshat. I tend to root for the smart people and underdogs.
10. “I think that's the whole point of Bridget Jones. It's all about that it's okay to fail.” What have you failed at and learned a lot from?
The only thing I can think of right now is failing to care about relatives who don't really seem to want a relationship. I can think of one in particular who seems to do everything he can to make sure we keep away and then complain about how shitty his relationships are. I'm pretty tired of being his verbal punching bag.

5 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

Courtney Love just seems kind of gross to me.

Have a great Wednesday!

Debster said...

So sorry to hear about your loss, Cat. And as for your answer to #10, I think mostly everyone has someone like that in their lives. Being a verbal punching bag sucks.

Take care-


Wendy said...

You have a lot of wise and witty answers. Totally can relate to a little boredom is good for us 40-sisters and so sorry to hear about you burying a loved one. Here's to more fun wickedness, Cat

Stacy said...

My sympathies on the loss of your sister. We just lost one of my husband's sisters last week. It's tough.

I am so with you on moving to get away from the crappy weather...hate the snow, hate the humidity.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I am so sad to hear about your sister. Hang in there...

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