(Link in meme-roll)
When was the last time you……
rolled your eyes? Uhm. Probably when I read my sister's latest status update on Facebook. Or, rather, her wall post. She's a piece of work.
tied your shoe? I haven't worn tied shoes in a couple of weeks at least. It's sandal weather!
reorganized your bedroom? How about the last time I cleaned it? It's been a really long time, for either of these.
took a walk in the park? I don't tend to do this. I sat in a park and ate lunch today, though.
chewed gum? Last week.
drew a stick person? I only ever draw stick people--I'm not an artist on any account.
activated something? Logged on to Meebo about 5 minutes ago. Does that count?
took a photograph? I have no idea. A couple of weeks, maybe?
drank a milkshake? I don't 'do' milkshakes, but I had a DQ malt last week. I think I have developed a problem with milk. ...sigh.
ate orange jello? At least a year, probably way more than that.
Google mapped an address? This morning at work. I was goofing off a little. Sue me.
sang your favorite song? There were several U2 songs on the radio this weekend, so I just sang along.
made a peace globe? (Please show us!) No clue what this is about.
threw a baseball? Last summer, or maybe the fall.
fumbled with a button? About 10 minutes ago.
answered the doorbell? Yesterday, or maybe Sunday come to think of it.
spilled your drink? Perish the thought! I overfilled a glass over the weekend.
administered CPR? I practiced for my recertification in February. Haven't ever actually done it on a person for real.
looked in the mirror? 15 minutes ago or so.
testified in court? Have not ever done this. Unless you count being sworn in to various posts.
made a sarcastic remark? It's been awhile. I'm a little blocked.
offered someone advice? I told Sparky to write his aunt back about an hour ago.
watched a sunrise or sunset? I think I saw the sun set last week, maybe Wednesday.
were jealous? Wow...really? I guess looking at the prom pics last week I was a little envious of being 17 again.
smiled when you didn’t feel like smiling? All the time, baby, all the time.
loved when you didn't feel like loving? Uhhh, I think I'll pass on this one.
ironed an article of clothing At least a month. But I'll be doing several things this week.
noticed you didn't give a damn? About 3:00 this afternoon.
had a mammogram? About a year ago, maybe two years. Guess I should take care of that soonish.
read your horoscope? Months.
moped? A couple of weeks. (Do you know how long it took me to realize that this did NOT mean the miniature version of a motorcycle?!)
held someone’s hand? Over the weekend.
crossed a bridge? Metaphorically, over the weekend. Literally, on the way home from work, as usually.
threw away a candy wrapper? Sunday.
sat on a bench? Several weeks. I can't actually remember, honestly.
turned a page? Literally, about 45 minutes ago. Figuratively, months.
tripped over your own 2 feet? Friday.
sat on a beach? A couple of years.
dialed the wrong number? This morning. Called the school district instead of the high school.
ignored a phone call? Yesterday
{{break to eat and hit the stores}}
kissed a bride? Almost 3 years. I think.
tweeted? Friday.
rode a roller coaster? At least a couple of decades.
you were really you? I'm very rarely NOT me.
cried yourself to sleep? Months, nigh unto years.
were speechless? That happens rather rarely, but maybe Saturday night a couple of times.
rode a bus? December.
went to a funeral? Over the winter, maybe Feb.?
were right? I'm usually right (heh, I am a mom and a wife after all). So, maybe at the store?
smoked? I haven't ever smoked.
were left? Beast left again this morning; he keeps DOING that!! (Fortunately, he always comes home, too.)
googled? Before I left for the store, I looked something up for Sparky.
bent over? {snort} ROFLMAO...I think it was at work today.
sent a text message? About 4:45.
lit a candle? It's been a couple of weeks, at least.
lost your temper? Two weeks ago.
fell off a horse? Never.
changed the oil in your car? Never--Beast takes care of it. I think I was shown how to do it by my father when I was a teen; Beast has probably tried to show me too...not.
added a new FACEBOOK friend? Coupla weeks ago.
went bowling? Coupla years.
laughed uncontrollably? Something someone on TV said over the weekend made me laugh for awhile.
felt guilty? All the time, baby, all the time.
looked up a word in the dictionary? Been awhile. I know 'em all, right?
returned from the point of no return? Two weeks ago, the day after I saw my doctor.
couldn't remember your name? Wow, that has NEVER happened! Well, ok, sometimes I forget what name I used in certain circumstances, but I always know what my name IS.
surrendered to temptation? At lunchtime.
felt genuinely happy? Last Friday, ironically, at work while doing stats.
saw a famous person? Define your terms. How famous? In real life or on TV or what? I don't look at people's faces for long as a matter of course, so unless it's someone I know pretty well, I'm unlikely to notice if someone famous appears. Unless the paparazzi also appears.
kissed in a car? Within the last month, I'm sure, but I can't pin it down more definitively. It was a "thanks for lunch" kiss.
sent a greeting card? Like, in the mail?? Ages and ages and ages.
used your passport? I've used to for ID at the airport more recently than I used it to leave the country (or return), so within the last 5 years or so.
yelled at your television? Yesterday. Don't think I've talked to it (yet) today at all.
confided a secret? Within the last couple of weeks, after the debacle at Sparky's school.
changed your blog template? Last fall.
danced like no one was watching? The last time no one was watching.
wrote in cursive? Today, at work. Sort of a combination of writing/printing.
took a driving test? I was about 16.5 at the time.
backed up your computer files? Been awhile. Should probably do that, eh?
when was the last time you said this was the last time? I'm sure it had something to do with Sparky. I can't think of a specific instance, though.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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