Monday, June 14, 2010

I prefer the kid free environment

(Found here)
ironic title for this one, since Sparky is 4500 miles away right now

Are you good at doing other people's hair? Though my son wouldn't agree, I suspect, I think I'm ok at it.

Do you ever hold your phone up in the air to get service? Yup. If it were to stop working, I'd stop doing that.

Are your lips currently chapped? Nope. According to my wonderful husband, I'm a Chapstick addict.

Do you text fast? Compared to whom? Slower than most teens, faster than most people my age.

Do you have a playlist on your myspace? I don't use MySpace.

Have you ever lost a best friend, and then got them back? Yes.

Do you sometimes feel awkward around people you don't know so well? Of course. I feel awkward sometimes around people I know very well. I feel awkward often, actually.

What'd you do today? Played on Facebook, waited (in vain) for a call from Sparky's teacher, had a massage, ate lunch at Six Balls, took a nap, cleaned our bathroom for the first time in months, and spent a LOT of time online doing non-Facebook stuff like this.

What'd you do last night? Drove my baby boy to the airport and said goodbye to him for three weeks. :-\

What are you doing tomorrow? Work and then I get to go to the dentist again. Fourth time since January for me.

Do you bite your nails? I'm trying to stop. My nails are the longest they've been in quite awhile right now.

What's the last smiley faced you used? That would be the one three questions up.

What's the last place on your body that you itched? Uh? Now that you've mentioned it, my ear and my leg started to itch. Probably, it was my left elbow; I've got something allergy-related going on there.

Do you get dry skin? In the winter, yes.

Do you often feel alone? Nope. Except when I am alone. Which I rarely am.

Do you only charge your phone when needed? Nope. I charge it most nights.

How many rings do you wear, if any? I'm back down to just two.

Meet anyone new today? I don't think I even spoke to anyone new today....let's see, the massage, picking up Beast (he was waiting outside), lunch (we've had that waitress before there), hostess (owner of the place, so not new), home...nope.

What's the last picture message you received on your phone? I don't accept picture messages.

Do you enjoy the "family friendly" environment? I like kids, if that's the question. I also appreciate good parenting.

How do you feel about not having any "smut" related questions on here? Considering the source, it's a welcome change!

Is there anything in particular you'd like the readers to know about you? Don't believe everydamnthing I say on this blog!

Is there anything you regret? Oh yeah, like any sane person could seriously answer this any way besides yes!

Do you like roller coasters? They're ok. I don't live and die by them.

How do you feel about abortion? It is sometimes medically necessary, and sometimes emotionally and socially necessary, and really can't we just trust women to make good choices? How much more could we fuck up than, oh, say BP has?!

What are your thoughts on "butter and goblin jumper cables"? I had to Google it, so that should get you close to my answer.

Do you snore? I've been told I do sometimes.

If you could re-live one moment in your life..what would it be? The moment Len picked up the phone the Day After. (Blind pick--there are some others)

Do you enjoy bowling? Sure.

Do you like to golf? Sure. I suck at it though, so be warned.

Hot or cold when it comes to the weather? Hot. And not humid.

What is your favorite time of year? Mid-autumn, but really any time from August through most of October.

What do you like best about...camping? Coming home. Or not going at all!

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I'd give myself a better starter motor.

Have you ever been in love? Uhm, yeah? A few times.

What color are your eyes? Hazel, usually brownish.

What is the last thing you did last night? Probably falling asleep counts, eh?

What is the first thing you did this morning? Tried to go back to sleep.

Would you ever relocate for a job or family? Have done. Next time I'm scoping the area WAY more carefully! It's taken almost exactly 16 years to feel like I belong here.

Do you like candles? Sure. I prefer the less stinky ones as a rule, though I have a couple really noxious ones that I like.

Are you close with your family? I'm close with the three Ts and my nephews. This is quite a change from even 5 or 6 years ago when I would have said, unequivocally, yes.

Do you like going to parks? Sure. I sit in the park some days and each lunch, even in the winter (ok, I'm in my car, ok?).

What kind of shampoo do you use? Back to Basics.

What kind of cologne do you use, if any? I don't use cologne. I do use perfume: Gossip or VS.

How long have you been at your job? Which one? Mom: 17.5-ish years. Wife: 24-ish years. Librarian: 22-ish years (over the past 23.5). Cataloger: 8? years. Church volunteer: 20 of the past 33 years, off and on. Blogger: 6.5-ish years.

Would you ever want to have kids? I do. One by birth and a dozen or so by pseudo-adoption.

What do your parents think of your musical tastes? My parents no longer give even the slightest shit about my musical tastes.

How much do you care what they think of your music? I'm 46. Really? Do I have to answer this?

Do you go to church with your family or friends? Yup.

When you go to church, do you go to the early A.M. service? Nope. And anyway, in the summer there's only one service from which to choose.

What do you like most about going to church? The routines. Being part of something huge and moving. The music. The people. (most of them)

What do you hate most about going to church, if anything? The guilt (self-imposed, I realize, but still). The politics. The people. (some of them)

Is there anything you couldn't forgive someone for? Yup. Don't you touch my kid. I'm still pissed at kids in his class who messed with him 8 years ago.

What would be an ideal first date? For me? For you? I'd like to just sit in the park and talk. A good music date is ok too, though it does NOT have to be an expensive concert.

What was the last thing you thought about before going to sleep last night? Good Lord, I have no idea! I was asleep before I rolled over.

What color are the sheets on your bed? Light tan.

What size bed do you have? Queen (for the queen, por supuesto).

What super power would you like? Invisibility. I'm virtually there at this point in my life.

Did this get annoying at all? Not as much as some others I've done. At least it wasn't 4000 questions long!!

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

Of course I'm going to swipe this. :-)

I just wrote about making an appointment for a massage. I'm desperate for one.

amy said...

Hugs in general, and specifically re: re-living a moment & some things about family. *sniff*

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