Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Voice Post Meme

1) What's your middle name?
None of your business, but it's the only Biblical girls' name in my immediate family, which I just realized. I'm kind of stunned at that, to be honest.
2) How old are you?
Edging ever nearer 47.
3) Where are you from? Are you living there right now?
I grew up in the Denver Metro area, and now live 1,000 miles away as I have for the past 20 years. Sux. But that's life.
4) Is it cold where you are?
Hah! How about hot+stickyhumid; it's supposed to hit 89 today, with about that much humidity. Welcome to July!
5) What's the time?
Well, if you scroll to the end, you'll see when I posted this, but right now my clock says 7:33 AM.
6)What are you wearing?
Khaki jeans, pale green Eddie Bauer spring sweater.
7) What was the last thing you listened to?'s blessedly quiet here this morning. I'm the only one up--was awake at 5 for some ungodly reason--so it's mostly me typing and Ruka rustling around his cage. I heard Beast's phone alarm go off about 5 minutes ago. But "listening to"? Nothin'.
8) What was the last thing you ate?
Sandwich thin with American cheese and a little smudge of marg.
9) What was the last thing you watched on TV?
I vaguely remember something about Tina Fey on SNL last night. It was the brownies/boyfriend thing....
10) What's your favorite tv show? Why?
It's pretty much a toss-up between CSI, CSI:NY and both NCISes. I seem to be all about the acronyms. I have always liked crime shows, and I simply cannot watch "drama" or comedy on network TV anymore. Yuck. Please note for the record that I have not watched a single episode of "Lost" nor will I be starting this weekend!
11) Quick! Find a book, or something with text on it! Flip to a random page and post the second paragraph's first sentence.
"'But the puppet didn't talk.'" (Lee Child, One Shot) How's that for not giving ANYthing away, with bonus points for total randomness?
12) What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
I have no idea. Haven't seen a movie for awhile. They don't really stick with me anyway.
Wait!! Hold on! We recently watched 'The Blind Side' and 'Zombieland' in a film-fest weekend in our living room. Both were pretty good, but now I'm wondering what a mash-up of the two would be like.... lol
13) Do YOU think you have an accent? Where do people in your country do people speak with strong accents?
Of course I have an accent!! We all have accents, except those who never speak at all. The pick-out-able accents for me are Deep Southern, eastern urban/mid-Atlantic seaboard, Maine, and SoCal. Given some time, I can usually pick out Minnesota/South Dakota as well. Accents, idiom, and dialects fascinate me, possibly because very early on I was exposed to radically different ways of using English--African, British, and Spanglish--and my family was heavily invested in wordplay. I love weird (to my childhood) terms like "bap" (a roll) and "groundnut" or "goober" (peanut), "bubbler" (drinking fountain) and "loncha" (lunch), "aina" ("right?") and "mardy" (cranky, upset). Or taking "the streetcar till it bends the corner 'round." How awesome is that phrase?!
Thus proving that I am a giant geek.

4 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

We just got hit with July here too. Had to put the a/c on.

Have a great day!

Kwizgiver said...

My part of Maine is accent-free. Although, if you travel an hour north of here it is a French accent.

Mash up of Zombieland & Blind Side? Pure genius!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Why are you up ion the friggin' middle of the night? Gees!

Cat. said...

Harriet: a/c on here too. It is GROSSly humid outside.

KW: Sandra Bullock as Woody Harrelsen's girlfriend/co-zombie hunter? Tim McGraw as King Zombie?

Bud: My alarm was set for 7:30 or so. I was up at 5 for some horrible reason.

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