Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random Dozen

(Link in meme-roll)

1. What was the last thing about which you procrastinated?
I procrastinate on EVerything, so this is tricky. Doing dishes, clearing off my desk here at home, organizing the summer trip for youth group, calling my sisters...take your pick. That's just the top layer, too.
2. How long does it take you to fall asleep, and do you sleep through the night?
It usually takes me less than 5 minutes to drop off once I turn off the light, but that's because I almost always have already fallen asleep reading or doing a puzzle in bed. I wake up in the middle of the night 3 or 4 times a week; last night for some reason it was every hour: 1, 2:15, 3, 4:30...annoying.
3. Which decade would you choose to exemplify your favorite fashion styles?
I'm a child of the 70s and 80s, so what can I say? I do like early-90s grunge as well.
4. What is your personal best dish to feed a crowd?
Either crock-pot chili or homemade mac-n-cheese.
5. Are you an impulse shopper? What was the last thing you bought on impulse?
I have my moments of impulse, but I managed to get through the grocery store yesterday without adding anything to the list of stuff we actually needed. Last impulse buy was probably breakfast on Saturday. Stupid.
6. What is one wish you have for your own funeral?
Good music, lots of laughter, and more than 6 people in attendance. Hey, I'm not fussy, and besides I have already sent my regrets and don't plan to attend.
7. If it's true that joy is in found in the simple things in life, what does your joy look like today?
Sunshine and blue sky! Woo-hoo.
8. What is your favorite type of bread?
No, seriously, I never met a bread I couldn't choke down appreciatively. I love my carbs in what is perhaps a deeply disturbing way.
9. What trait do you fear developing the most? (Laziness, greediness, grumpiness, etc.)
Total lack of empathy with a large dollop of self-centeredness on the side.
10. What trait would you like most to develop?
Ability to FINISH something! Anything.
11. Which room in your house best reflects your personality? Why?
Oddly, the powder-room. I love how it turned out.
12. How do you maintain balance in your life regarding, work, family, church, other organizations and activities, and blogging?
I don't. I suck at this. Maybe I should change my answer for #10 to "achieving balance in my life" since I feel sort of bipolar about the things in my life. I'm either gunning straight ahead taking things on full-force, or huddled in a corner trying to avoid those same things.

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