Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
The Let’s Go To Dinner Meme

1. When is the last time you went out to dinner with someone special? Tell us about it.
We took FIL out for brunch for his birthday last month. We went to a slightly upscale breakfast place that does seriously awesome pancakes and everything else breakfasty (and some lunch dishes as well). I ate like a freakin' horse, and there was a nice mix of ages at the tables around us so FIL got to flirt with some babies.
2. Show us a picture of your favorite cuisine.
I rarely do photos on this blog, especially on demand, and I certainly don't do cuisine! I like food. Pretty much any food. Is it any wonder I need to lose weight?!
3. What is the funniest thing a man/woman has said to you lately?
Uh...baffled at the phrasing...but if Sparky counts, he's always good for some random weird-but-funny stuff. Let's see: he was a total goof last night but I can't think of any one thing he said that was funny by itself. It was more of a performance than the words.
4. What makes a gentleman a gentleman in today’s dating world? Are there any left?
I wouldn't know from personal experience, but I would say that essentially a gentleman is a man who doesn't put himself first all the time, someone who is confident enough about his place in the world to accept that other people may be more important, or smarter, than he is. I think there are a few people like this around, but I suspect they've always been scarce.
5. Is there anything you won’t tolerate when out to dinner with your significant other?
Food throwing is out. Eating non-finger-food without utensils is out. Flirting with the waitress or otherwise belittling her (and me) is out (at least to her face--if she is truly a piece of work, we can talk about her when she's not around, though ... heh). Fortunately, Beast doesn't do this stuff. There were food-throwing incidents when we were in college, but he's outgrown that.
6. What type of ambiance do you enjoy in an eating establishment?
Cleanliness. Comfortable seating and some distance from other tables. Relaxed staff, even if they're busy. Good food, priced right.
7. Tell us about the worst public dining experience you ever had, whether it be a date or with your family.
Pretty much has to be finding ground up plastic in my bar drink at Chili's a few years ago. At first, I thought it was ice, or margarita salt--even though it was not a margarita.
8. What is the lamest or rudest thing a man/woman has said to you lately?
I work in a library. People say the most amazingly out-of-line things ALL THE TIME. I just recently talked to my boss about this, with her saying whenever someone says something weird, I should let her know and me saying that I'd be sending her emails every 20 minutes if I followed those instructions. Mostly, I just hit the mental delete button as soon as I leave the public area.
9. Are you a good tipper?
Heh, when I I first scanned this I thought it said "Are you a good stripper?" Uh, yes to the former, not so much to the latter. {eyeroll}
10. Do you ask for doggie bags when you leave food on your plate at a restaurant?
I almost always leave with leftovers, yes.
11. What is your pet peeve about restaurants and dining out in general?
I love eating out, so I'm not sure there's anything overly annoying. As I indicated above, I would like the tables not to be so close in some restaurants. I often feel as if I'm sitting in on other people's conversations.
12. Do you prefer to order yourself or do you ever let your significant other order for you?
I'm perfectly capable of speaking to the wait staff. Really, this is just the stupidest custom ever, and it would be a date-breaker if my date even suggested it.
13. Describe your most intimate romantic dinner ever. (fantasy or real)
It's 7:25 a.m., and I'm leaving for work in 10 minutes. I think getting into this right now might be a bad idea. My favorite kind of "intimate" would probably involve a picnic in the mountains anyway. I love eating cold food eaten outside with good scenery and relaxed company.
14. Do you enjoy piano bars?
Meh, not sure I've really ever been in one. Tinkly pop muzak tends to annoy me so it's probably not my thing.
15. If you could go anywhere in the world for dinner, where would it be and who would you be with?
Ydra with Beast, overlooking the harbor.

4 sweet-talkers :

Jean-Luc Picard said...

It's a good job you read the tipper question closely, otherwise your answer might have been very different!

Durward Discussion said...

The outing with the FIL sounds like fun. Sometimes family is the very best company.

Mimi Lenox said...

Would I ask a stripper question? Come on now....but now that you mention it, I'm taking notes for a future meme.

I don't mind the ordering for me if he's been there before and knows the menu. I agree with you about a private table though. I want to enjoy the conversation as much as the meal.

Ferd said...

I LOVE breakfasty places! We have a great one in Winston-Salem called The Midtown Café and Dessertery. Yeah. That's right. Dessertery!

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