Monday, April 12, 2010

I'll always be there when you wake

(Found here)

From this point forward I'm done answering repetitive, childish questions. I'm going to throw in my own when I deem a question too stupid to live. You'll know which ones, I promise.

Friday Night: sneaking in a quick survey while I wait up for the kids' return from a pool party

What was the last thing that made you smile? Beast's return from the Far Western Edge.

If you could fast forward life, would you? Parts of it, certainly. I'd be more than willing to skip December 26 through March 1 every year.

Has there been a day this week you just wanted to say "fuck it"? Has there been a day this week when I haven't wanted to? Perhaps the question might be whether I've verbalized the sentiment, but I have. Actually, verbatim.

Is there someone on your mind? What was the first sound you heard this morning? The shower in the hall bathroom. That was after I took the earplugs out.

If your ex showed up at your front door wanting you back, what would you say? I wouldn't recognize him, and I'd definitely call the police.

Are you a shy person or outgoing? Bit o' the both. I find myself very uncomfortable around people from whom I sense condescension.

What are you listening to? Beast has NASCAR-flipped-with-golf on the TV while he sorts through his dad's bills and prepares to pay them. Welcome to my living room.

Whats your favorite color? Who's your favorite fictional character? Jane Eyre. Or Laura in Plum Creek or Silver Lake (LIW).

Your best friend likes your ex, are you mad? Well, wouldn't that be weird! Only one of my best friends even met my last ex, or would know who he was!

When is the last time you cried and why? Today. Song lyrics. At work, yeah pure awesomeness!

Where is the last person you kissed? Currently feeding Ruka. So much for bill-paying, nu?

Will you kiss the last person you kissed again? I think it's in the contract. Yeah.

Do you like to cuddle gossip? Yup, but I try to do it with people who know the difference between gossip/venting and factual information.

What is your favorite song? What song makes your skin crawl and your teeth itch? 'This is the song that never ends...' I've been singing it all fucking week! Thanks, Dear Darling Son.

How old are you? Officially: 46. Physically: 50. Mentally: 19. Metaphysically: -5.

Where How did you sleep last night? Like a stone dropped in a mineshaft. But I woke up before my alarm, about 5:45, which was annoying as I could actually sleep in a little today.

What time did you get up this morning? I got up at about 6:30. Sigh....

Are you sleeping alone tonight? For the first time since Sunday, I will have to share the sheets.

Relationships or Hook ups? Chocolate bunnies or Cadbury Creme Eggs? Frozen creme eggs.

What's your favorite movie non-Hollywood film? Orlando. Working Girls. Shoah.

Where is the person you like right now? What song do you associate with your first celebrity crush? "I Think I Love You" or possibly "Cherish." Guess who!

Does the person you like, like you back? We're still married, so I guess he at least tolerates me. He keeps coming home from business trips. So far. ;-)

Who are three friends you can always count on? Beast, Jenny, Amy.

Are you excited about the future? Yup. I'm wearing shades. [Except for those stupid winter months...]

Has anyone ever told you they love you and didn't mean it? How the fuckety-fuck would I know?!

Whats [sic] your favorite thing to drink punctuation mark? APOSTROPHES!

Are you happy with the way your life is going right now? My life right now could not be more interesting and fun...and complicated.

Do you miss someone right now? I have very good aim,

If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be what would it take to get there? A time machine and amnesia.

If I say "psycho", who is the first person that comes to your mind? Sparky.

Is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly? Oh yeah. Oddly, I vividly remember accidentally breaking the crystal champagne flute in 1988.

Who was the last person to call you and why? Beast. Which pisses me off, since Sparky was supposed to call when he arrived at tonight's party. He is in SO.MUCH.SHIT when he gets home.

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? That ain't happening in the foreseeable future, at least not in the next week or so.

If you were in the hospital on life support, would the last person you kissed come see you? He'd better be there enforcing my damn DNR order!

Have you ever spent the night with the last person you kissed? I . am . MARRIED . to . him.

So,what are you doing? What color is your front door? Boring beige. White? I'm honestly not sure, except for the boring part.

What was the first thing you thought of this morning?
"Nooooooo....wanna sleep iiinnnnnn...."

Do you think you've ruined your chances with someone? Yup. Feels good, too.

Do you think there are circumstances when it's okay to wait for someone? Only if you're at different doors at the mall.

Would you rather go to California or leave the country? I need a vacation so badly that I'm not about to be fussy about where I go!

Are you legal to drink? Ahhhh-dohhhh? What a weird way to phrase this question. I was going to change it, but it's so weird. And, as I'm drinking Bacardi and DP intermittently as I do this meme, I am drinking so fuckit.

Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? Let's see...known him for 27-ish years...I cry 1,327 times? At least.

Have you ever been caught skipping class? I've never really skipped class, except in college on Senior Skip Day (when there weren't classes anyway).

Have your parents ever caught you drinking? Why is Kyle Busch such a dick? Genetics. Drugs? I dunno. But he is.

Do you ever curse in front of your parents? Did/Do your parents curse in front of you. Like, I can count the curse words I heard from them over my entire lifetime on my fingers and toes. With unused digits. Several.

Have you ever cuddled with someone you weren't dating? When was the last time you physically saw red with anger? It has been a very long time. Probably at least a year, probably the last time Sparky and I got into a giant fight. I think it was right about that moment when I threatened to call the police on him.

Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you? Should there be a minimum age or IQ for meme-creation? Yes. And at least half have to be created by men.

Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed in the middle of sex? Nope. Not...quite.

Six months ago, did you like someone what was the primary concern/worry of your life? Six months ago, Obama had just won the Nobel. And we were in the midst of football season. I think the latter was consuming my time more than the former.

Do you know anyone that smokes weed, or has? I'm about the only person over 30 I know who hasn't (intentionally), and I know at least a few teens/20-somethings who do. Or have.

Made out with a stranger? Pretty much, yeah.

Cried yourself to sleep? Thrown dishes at the wall? No. Seems counterproductive.

Made parents cry? If so why? I took my job very seriously in my teen years, at least the part that involved "being stupid." And then, later, too. My parents were pretty easy criers though, so it wasn't exactly a challenge.

Dated someone more than once? I've heard that leads to marriage....

Have you ever kissed anyone who's name starts with a, j,c,n,d,i or t? Yes. Some of those. Not all of them, but quite a few, now that I really think back.... [and I'm only including "those" kinds of kisses, by the way, which isn't exactly fair since the type of kiss wasn't specified...]

What did you do today? Got up. Took the kids to school. Went to the store and bought a couple of mixes to make for the party tonight. Came home and made the fastest batch of brownies ever, and then took a bath. Took out the brownies. Went and got my hair cut. Came home, made cinnamon swirl cake. Went to work. Came home, made sure the kids headed out more-or-less on time for the pool party. Ate dinner. Welcomed Beast home. Memed.

What do you want for your birthday? Whirled peas.

Is there anyone who doesn't like you? Uhm, virtually certain, yeah.


Sunday Evening
Promise not to lie or erase any of these questions? Not erasing, just editing.

Your ex says they never even liked you, you say? I'm unlikely to find out about it.

Does it matter if your bf/gf [or husband/wife even] smokes? I'm not a fan of cigarettes or cigars. I can always tell if he's had a smoke in the past week.

Who was the last person you sat beside at a restaurant? I think that would be Annie about 2 hours ago, if you count the snack bar in the skating rink.

Has the last person that kissed you ever made you cry? I think the last 'person' who kissed me was a dog I just met today. So, no.

What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeeeeeepinnnnnnnnggggg.

Have you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? Don't think so.

Biggest annoyance in your life right now? I haven't really had a lot of time to be annoyed, however Sparky has been pesky lately.

Are you happy with your life at the moment? Haven't really had time to think about it, but I'm content at least.

If someone liked you would you want them to tell you? What's the last song you heard? "The Living Years" by Mike & the Mechanics.

Are you currently frustrated with someone? Just Sparky, and less so today than yesterday.

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Pizza: better hot or cold? Thin crust, or thick crust? Cold, with thick crust.

Who was the first person you talked to today? Uh...Beast, I guess.

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an C, K ,T, or B? All of the above, actually.

Does the last person that kissed you care for you? The dog only kissed me so I'd put her down.

Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? Morning, so my hair can dry.

Who would you be shocked to see call you? My sister (Ellen), either parent, my best friend through high school.

Does the person you like, like you back? If you had to be on a reality show of some kind, which would you choose? The Amazing Race.

What can always put you in a good mood? Happy kids.

What is something you need to go shopping for? Noodles, stamps, TP, probably a few other odds & ends. Not so much other food though.

Have you been hurt by being lied to? Yes.

Do you always answer your phone? Hell no!

Did you ever waste too much time on someone? It's not wasted, exactly, but I spend an awful lot of energy thinking about certain people and situations that are unresolvable.

Is the last person you kissed older than you? I was told the dog is 8.

Will this weekend be a good one? Probably gonna be another busy one.

Are you trying to avoid liking yelling at somebody at the moment? Nope. I'm good. That could change though, if Sparky decides to be a putz when he gets home.

Do you have a best friend? Yes, dear. I do.

What does the song you're listening to remind you of? I'm watching TV: nothing but incidental music.

What do you want right now? I'd like to not be so chilly. It's WARM out for heaven's sake!!

Are you in love? Not really. I think I gave it up for Lent a decade or so ago.

Do you know anyone named Matt? Yes. I'm related to one of them.

Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? Yum. Best thing EVAH!

Have you consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours? No. No, I had R&C Friday night, not last night. Had to think pretty hard about that....

Have you met new people in the past week? Yup. Not just at work, either!

Who's texted you in the past 24 hours? Sparky, Beast, Sarah.

What's your favourite dinner? Pretty much anything someone else has made and promises to clean up. On the other hand, I do like Thanksgiving.

What is bothering you? My repeated failure to follow through.

Can you put your legs behind your head? Not if I want to put them back in front of my head in this lifetime.

What about your arms? Can I put my arms behind my head?? Uh, yeah?

Is there a difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'? Yes.

Are any of your friends taller than you? Most of the men are. Few of the women.

Do you crack your knuckles? Not intentionally, or at least not often.

Spell your name without an L: Cat. Otherwise, it's basically 'mouth'.

Do you like hugs? Yes. Yes, I do.

What were you wearing the last time you kissed some one? Jeans, brown T-shirt, pale green sox.

This time last year can you remember who you liked? What accent in the U.S. annoys you the most? I'm not crazy-happy about Boston or Brooklyn, but the hardest for me to understand is Cajun.

When did you first get Myspace Facebook? Two years ago, maybe a little more.

When was the last time you were told you were cute? Earlier this week.

Does anyone know your password besides you? Beast knows my login for my laptop, but that's all. And I guess the IT guy at work knows my login, or could find it out.

Feel like talking to someone that you haven't in a while? Not really. Kinda tired tonight.

Are you single for the summer? Describe your favorite outfit, ever. I really loved the dark purple dress I wore at Jenny's wedding, but it's certainly not a dress I can wear anywhere particularly.

Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? What's the easiest meal you know to make? Homemade macaroni-and-cheese and hot dogs, with salad.

Would you date someone three years older than you? Not as long as Beast is around. He frowns on my dating people other than he.


Monday night waiting for the kids to return from movie night
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? What nervous tic of your own would you like to get rid of immediately? I'd like to stop talking incessantly when I'm nervous.

Could you see yourself dropping out of high school? Seeing as how I graduated almost 30 years (fuck me!) ago, no. And at the time, my parents would have totally killed me.

Have you ever received a myspace message Facebook comment that made you cry? Don't think so. Have received a couple that really pissed me off, though.

Are you a different person now than you were five years ago? Depends on your definition. Skin-wise, yes. Otherwise, I suspect there are differences, but my DNA is the same.

Did you sleep alone last night? The part of the night I slept, Beast was mostly with me. I spent part of the night on the couch doing Sudoku and trying to get back to sleep.

Has anyone ever sang to you? Not seriously, no. Has anyone ever taught you how to conjugate verbs?

Has anybody ever told you that you have pretty eyes? I don't remember anyone saying that, at least not for realz.

Are you a mean person? I have my moments. I try not to be.

Will you be up before 7am tomorrow? I'd better be, as I should try to get to work by 8.

What is something you disliked about your day? Today was a pretty good day; I don't have any big issues with it.

Are you talkative? I can be, especially when nervous (see above). I can also sit quietly and contentedly for hours at a time.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? That's what Beast's job is, yo.

Do you have unlimited texting? Pretty close, considering how much I use it.

Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Work. Make dinner. Find out about how Chicago was for the girls.

Any plans for today? It's 9:40 p.m. so I think I'm pretty much done planning anything but brushing my teeth and going to bed.

Do you listen to music everyday? I try to. If I go without for too long, I tend towards The Cranky.

Do you laugh a lot? Yes.

Do you want your tongue pierced? I think I've outgrown the need to put unnecessary holes in my body.

Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/ "girlfriend" every week? Again, Beast frowns on my dating.
I would have fixed or deleted this one if it weren't for the really ...unusual... use of quotation marks in it. What do you suppose is up with that?

Who was the last person to text you? Beast.

Hold hands with anyone in the last 2 days? I probably grabbed Beast's hand at some point over the weekend.

Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now? Trying to keep myself from pettiness. Is that an emotion?

Have you ever kissed in the rain? Prolly. Wasn't all that much of an issue, I don't think.

When was the last time you said the word sorry and to who? I apologized to Sparky earlier for being obnoxious to him in front of the girls.

Have you ever walked in on people having sex? Trying to remember college; don't think so.

Are you afraid of falling in love? Not really. I don't think I'm likely to do it anytime soon, however.

Who was the last person you cried in front of? Last Sunday (Easter) at church? I think? It wasn't really 'in front' of anyone, but there were a LOT of people around.

What's more important, first impression or lasting impact? Lasting impact.

Are you worried about your boyfriend/ girlfriend getting back with their ex? Yeah, like that's gonna happen. His exes are in Texas. Pretty cool.

Do looks matter? Philosophically, the correct answer is no, but of course the real world answer is yes.

Do you treat your pets like family members? Considering that our guinea pig is kept in a

What does your hair look like right now? Pony. Dirty. Shower. Tomorrow.

Are you dressed up today? Jeans, T, mocs. So,

Do you need a girlfriend/ boyfriend to be happy? Good Lord: that would just make my life way too complicated! I'm not at ALL interested in that.

Is a best friend/ boyfriend/ girlfriend or ex pissing you off at the moment? So, the question is really "Are you pissed off about someone at the moment?" No. I'm mildly irritated by some typically irritating teenage behavior, but that's all. Mostly, I'm just tired.

Is having sex on your mind? Not at this very moment. Or at least, not until the subject was raised.

Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn't want to date? Hell yeah. I had a guy, a senior, all over me freshman year of college who was desperate for his bachelor days to end with the receipt of his bachelor's degree.

How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? Too-fucking-many.

Do you keep in contact with any of your ex- boyfriends/ girlfriends? Why do people feel the need to exaggerate (i.e., lie) so often? I don't know. I do it too at times, but sometimes people do it and it's so ridiculously obvious.

Do you hate the last person you kissed? Which (original) Charlie's Angel was the cutest? Kate Jackson was my favorite by far.

You're insanely drunk stumbling through the streets, slurring songs, who are you with? I don't do this. I have never done this. Now, on the other hand, my brother....

When you sleep in your bed, is stuff usually on it? "Stuff?" Just sheets, blanket, pillows, and bodies.

Do you miss anyone? What would the best way to murder a stupid memer? I say, make them answer the same five lame-ass questions over and over till the end of time.

Next time you will kiss someone? In about ten minutes, when I head up to bed.

Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? I honestly don't remember if anyone besides Beast was awake. I don't think so. I was TIE-ERRD last night.

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed on the lips? Just Ruka.

Do you like to cuddle? Uhm. Anyone who answers this no is a sociopath. IMHO.

Does anyone have feelings for you? I'm sure everyone I know has feelings of some kind for me.

Are you happy with the choices you've made? Probably close to 80% of them.

What are your plans for tonight? When was the last time you gambled? I messed around with some slots in Vegas in January. Also, driving around here can be somewhat of a gamble.

If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? Autumn. Anything eventually happens in fall anyway.

What were you doing last night at midnight? I think that was part of the night when I was asleep.

Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? Yeah, I guess.

Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? On a regular basis. Pretty much daily.


Tuesday afternoon waiting for dinner to cook
Do you usually apologize first? Sorry, what? Oh, yeah, I do.

Is anyone else in the room with you? Yes, three people and a guinea pig.

Do you believe what goes around comes around? It's not exact, but quite often you get what you give/gave.

Did you sleep alone last night? Nope.

Was your last kiss drunk or sober? It was 25 minutes ago in the kitchen. Neither of us has started drinking yet.

Be honest, who is the easiest person in your life to talk to? Beast. Usually.

Have you ever taken someone back after they hurt you? Romantically, I've never really been in a situation where I've been hurt so bad I wouldn't take someone back if they showed remorse. I've taken some friends back that I wish later I hadn't.

How did you wake up this morning? I was sort of awake before the radio came on, but I ended up dozing too long.

Are relationships ever really worth it? Nope. Let's all go live in our own caves and never talk again. You first.

When was the last time you were in a very good mood? Right now I'm in a decent mood. Especially after that last question.

Do you like thunderstorms? I do, very muchly.

When was the last time you had a Jolly Rancher? It's been awhile. I don't eat hard candy much anymore because my teeth can't take it.

Do you think that you overuse the word "like"? I do, but not like (ahem) the teenagers I know.

Do carrots remind you of anything? They remind me a LOT of Sparky. He LOVES them!

Do you know anyone whose birthday is in August? Loads. Three family members, two friends, plus three wedding anniversaries.

Have you ever had sushi? Did you love it or did you hate it? I can't really bring myself to eat raw fish...sounds hideous.

Are you procrastinating on anything? Probably. In the big picture yes, absolutely.


Tuesday night, I should be going to bed, but I want to finish this thing!
What are your pets' names? Just the Ruk-star.

When was the last time you ate pizza? Was it delicious? Saturday, Beast and I ate at California Pizza Kitchen, and it was fab. We're having German pizza tomorrow night. Should be interesting.

What was the last CD you listened to? The book in the truck on the way home from work.

How many Starbucks can you think of right now, that are in your town? There is one Starbucks in the city where I work (which should give you a clear picture of how big the city is, eh?). But that question is grammatically fubar.

What's the funniest inside joke you have with a friend? I still think the "ruthless" joke 25+ years ago was pretty funny. Not that I remember it, just the 20-minutes of extreme laughter that resulted.

What time is it? 10:04 p.m.

Do you often make typing mistakes? Define "often." I make my share. But not that many.

What condiments do you prefer on your french fries? Burgers? Salt on my fries. The works on my burgers.

Is it hard for you to admit you're wrong? Depends on how committed I am to the subject.

When was your last haircut? Friday.

Harry Potter: do you like it or no? Do I like "it"? Last I checked "it" was a fictional character of the male persuasion. And I like the books, and the movies, but I'm glad most of the hysteria has settled.

Do you like sugar cookies? OMG! They are, or should be, their own food group!

What was the last thing to get on your nerves? Oh, shitloads of stuff gets on my nerves. The full glass of juice one of the girls left on the dining room table after dinner (4 hours ago) is annoying.

Are you hungry? Nah, I just had 4 blonde Oreos. And a BIG dinner!

Does the person you last kissed still like you? What TV show from your childhood should be revamped now? Would love to see what they could do with Gilligan's Island or Bewitched on TV now.

Ever kissed anyone with the name starting with a A? Kissing rocks, doesn't it? Can we talk about ANYthing else now? I can, but clearly the author of this meme cannot.

Are you a shy person? Deep down, yes. I'm a fairly decent actress however.

Ever walked on a rooftop? Ayup.

The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried over them? Do you still have your tonsils, appendix, and gall bladder? I'm missing my appendix, but still have the others.

Have you ever dated the same person twice? I don't think I understand this question. I dated Beast freshman year in college (sorta), and then stopped for awhile sophomore year. And (obviously) we dated again junior and senior years. Is that what this means.

Ever dyed your hair? Every 5-6 weeks for the past 10 years.

Have you held hands with anyone in the past 36 hours? What one thing would you like to never have to do at work again? Have alcohol-breath spewed on me.

What are you most anxious/excited for? Next week's conference.

Met anyone new this year? Dear God. Please help this person get out more. Amen. [Yes]

Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Yes. Long ago, when I was MUCH thinner than I am today.

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