Friday, February 12, 2010

This is not enough

(Found here)

1. [Where did the first question go??] How odd.

2. What was your last alcoholic beverage? I'm sipping raspberry Stoli as we meme.

3. Who can you trust? My husband and son. A few, very few, others.

4. Where was your first kiss with your current significant other? Probably in his dorm room. I don't remember. How sad is that?!

5. Favorite Band? U2

6. What is something you've learned about yourself recently? I'm a lot calmer about workplace freakishness than I was 20 years ago.

7. Do you like anyone? Nope. I hate everyone. Except a few people, and the cute athletes walking into the stadium in Vancouver right now.

8. Do you know anyone who is engaged? Yes. One of the many Amys I know.

9. What's your favorite number? Used to be 16. Now, I think it's 3.

10. Who was the last person to make you cry? I got teared up when the Georgian delegation came in just now. In all seriousness, I was pretty upset last week when I found out a Pillar of the Church had passed away.

11. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Nope. No money.

12. When was the last time you cried? Ooops, I guess I mis-answered question #10.

13. What is one thing you miss about your past? I would like to have sunshine in the winters, like when I was growing up (in another state).

14. What is one thing you've learned about life? Things can always be, and usually become, worse.

15. Are you jealous of anyone? Meh. Life's too short (see #14).

16. Is anyone jealous of you? How would I know?

17. Has a friend ever used you? A real friend: no. A 'friend': yes.

18. Has anyone recently told you that they like you more than as a friend? That would be awkward, wouldn't it? No. Well, no one but Beast, of course.

19. Who was the last person you drove with? Beast drove today for our errands, but Sparky was in the car last night with me on the way home from a meeting.

20. What are you looking forward to? Astonishingly, work tomorrow. No boss. Yay.

21. How are you today? Fine. Weirdly warm all day. I guess outside temps in the upper 20s is now officially 'warm' to me. {eyeroll}

23. Are you currently single? Beast says no, I'm not.

24. Are there any things in your past that you regret? Of course. Can you be over the age of 12ish and answer this "no" really?

25. Do you have a best friend? I'm tempted to have you refer to #7.

26. Have you ever kissed two people in one night? If we just skip to the romantic kind of kiss, then I think so, though I don't actually remember.

27. Who was the last person you hugged? I think...Beast.

28. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them? Of course.

29. If you could change anything about your past, what would it be? I'd've spoken my mind to PsychoBoss.

30. Do you like your life? Yes.

31. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? "Former" friends have.

32. Did you forgive them? I have--for the most part--but I don't trust them anymore.

33. Do you like gum? Yes. Wintergreen or peppermint, please.

34. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? Girls, I guess.

35. Has anyone ever cheated on you? Not that I know of.

36. If so, when? You really ought to ask them, since I don't know about it.

37. Has anyone ever cheated on their gf/bf with you? No. FUCK no, no pun intended.

40. What are some of your biggest fears of your life? Failure--thought I'm overcoming that slowly--being found out, deep water.

41. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yup.

42. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? Yup.

43. Are you a player? A player? I guess. A playa? Not.

44. Have you ever dated one? A player? Yes. A playa? Yes, briefly.

46. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated? Depends on your definition of 'dating' but either 1 or 5 years.

47. Have you ever dated/fooled around with a co-worker? Ick. No. [because I work, mostly, with women]

48. Are looks important? They matter, of course. Or maybe it's what you see when you look at someone that matters.

49. How does the amount of people a person has slept with affect the way you view them? Depends on age, and why & how I found out this fact. Generally, though, no.

50. Do you believe in love? Nope. I see no real quantifiable proof. Me and Richard Dawkins need proof, dammit.

51. When was the last time you shaved your legs? Uh...within the past 7 days? I think?

52. What were you doing this morning at 8am? Getting up.

53. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? This, duh.

54. What are you wearing? Purply sweater and T-shirt under it, blue jeans....etc.

55. Are you mad at anyone right now? I'm vaguely annoyed at a few specific people, but not mad per se.

56.The Last 2 people to say they loved you? Beast and his dad.

57. Last time you had sex? Within the last week, yo.

58. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile? I don't use MySpace, but if I had a song there, I would sure as fuck know the lyrics!

59. Last thing received in the mail? Me personally? I think I got a credit card app yesterday. Woo. Hoo.

60. Do you have any famous relatives? I hope to hell not.

61. Have you ever had sex in a public place? Depends on both your definition of 'sex' and 'public place'....

62. Have you ever been searched by the cops? I've been wanded at the airport, but not physically searched, no.

63. How is your hair? Looking pretty good considering the amount of attention it's gotten today.

64. How many different drinks have you had today? Pepsi, water, wine, Diet Pepsi, Stoli + tonic...6.

65. What have you eaten today? Bagel, candy, Olive Garden food (including iceberg lettuce), cheese, crackers.

66. Are you any good at math? I'm ok at arithmetic.

67. Do you have plans on Friday night? This, and watching the Olympic opening ceremonies.

68. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Never occurs to me.

69. Last kiss? This afternoon? I think.

70. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Nope. I've been awake almost that long, but there was dozing involved.

71. Do you like the ocean? I am more of a fan of the Pacific than the Atlantic.

72. Do you stay friends with your ex's [sic]? I haven't.

73. What are you excited about? Spring, I hope.

74. What did you do last night? There was a meeting at Sparky's school.

75. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? Uhm, no. The youngest one would be over 130 years old.

76. Where do you keep your change? In my wallet.

77. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life? All too well, unfortunately. Or at least the parts that have mortified me for 25 years.

78. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? Is the other person snoring? I'd rather sleep alone, honestly.

79. What was the weather like on your Birthday? Last year it was perfectly November-y I'm sure. Yuck.

80. Would you have sex with anyone on your top friends list? plock

81. Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person? Yup.

82. Can you see a phone right now? No, actually, I can't. Mine's in the kitchen, Beast's is out of sight, the landline is on the cradle, and I guess Sparky's is in his pocket.

83. What are you listening to? The TV.

84. Last thing you ate? Cheese and crackers.

85. Who was the last person other than family you saw? Jess.

86. Do you have a tan right now? I basically NEVER have a tan.

87. What is the most people you've been in front of? As in speaking in front of? Or...what? I have spoken in front of church many times, and to classes, and to gyms full of kids....

88. Have you ever taken a bath/shower while you were drunk or high? Yup. Is this weird?

89. Have you ever been to a night club? Yes, believe it or not.

90. What is one country you want to go to? Just one?!?!?! Can't pick one, sorry. I can pick SEVERAL: New Zealand, Kenya, Peru, Chile, Australia, Egypt, Romania, Denmark....

91. Have you ever made out on a plane? Hmm, I don't think so.

92. Do you have leadership skills? Yup.

93. Are you musically inclined? I think so, yes.

94. Does the song "Stairway To Heaven" make you sad? Fuck no. Give me a break. I am sick nigh unto death of it.

95. Do you have alcohol in your room? Only rubbing alcohol.

96. Where do you live? The fucking snow belt.

97. Where is your phone? Still in the kitchen, charging. I don't feel the need to check up on it every fucking second.

98. Where is/are your parent(s) right now? Wherever metaphysical place people go after death. Or Chapel Hill Cemetery.

99. What did you just eat? I haven't eaten anything in over an hour. Which, clearly, is unheard of.

100. What color bra/boxers are you wearing? Not wearing boxers, but otherwise, light brown on top, white on the bottom. Matching is for putzes.

101. What is the closest item near you that is blue? The cover on the Smithsonian magazine Beast brought home from his dad's yesterday.

102. What is your favorite color? Blue.

103. When is your birthday? Let me get my licence and check...yep, still in November.

104. When did you last go to the mall? Uh, I think that was November? With Amy.

105. When was the last time you bought a pair of pants? December. One pair for me, and 6 for Sparky.

106. What do you want for your Birthday? No expectations.

107. Who will be your next kiss? Beast, when I go to bed. Soon. I'm dying.

108. When is the last time you went to the mall? Three seconds ago.

109. Are you wearing socks right now? Nope. See, told ya I was overly warm.

110. When was the last time you went out of the state? MLK weekend.

111. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Ha ha

112. What was the last thing you had to drink? Have now finished the Stoli+tonic.

113. BoldWhat are you wearing right now? A burqa.

114. What was your last purchase? Half the supplies for next week's spaghetti dinner.

115. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Uh...Beast? I don't know. Today has been text-burning day, not calling day.

116. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No?

117. Do you have a pet? Only The Ruk-Star.

118. What's the last sporting event you watched? I'm assuming Olympic Coverage counts?

119. What's the most played song on your iTunes? No iTunes.

120. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Here is good.

121. What is the last thing you purchased online? Don't remember. Oh! Sparky's Anime Con tix.

122. One thing you hate about yourself? I have an endless capacity for inertia....

123. What's your favorite soup? Going through a Seafood Bisque stage lately....

124. Do you miss anyone? I hit everyone I aim at.

125. Last play you saw? I think it was either Mary Poppins (Broadway on Tour) or Sparky's school's version of Little Shop of Horrors.

126. What are your plans for the day? It's after 10 p.m., so I guess finish this and then bed.

127. Last person you msg'd? Texted: D. Haven't IMd at all today.

128. What do you know about the future? I don't know much.

129. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? I put some VS on this morning. There may be a little left on me. Who knows.

130. Where are your best friends located? In my heart.

131. How old do you want to be when you have kids? I guess that was about 18 years ago....

132. Who was the first person who made you cry? Totally stealing the previous person's answer: "I don't know? The doctor?"

133. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? My earlobes are pierced. I'm more into scars than tats.

134. How do you like your pop ((coke))? Diet. And Dr. Pepper tasting.

135. Do you like hot sauce? Some.

136. Next time you'll take a shower? Sunday morning.

137. what was the last movie you watched at home? No clue.

138. What is your mood? Tahrd.

139. What kind of car do you drive, if any? Ford Ranger.

140. Have you ever been to Virgina? No, but I have been to VirginIa.

141. What are you doing right now? Breathing a healthy sigh of relief.

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