(Found here)
Are you strong enough for this survey? We'll see, eh?
Have you ever taken a picture of yourself kissing someone? Not sure. I don't remember one, anyway.
Do you want to be in a relationship with someone? And the infamous "plock" shows its face already....
Are you someone who's an asshole because you're so honest? I try not to be asshole-ish in my honesty.
Have you ever said you loved someone when you didn't mean it? I've said it knowing that our definitions of the word were miles apart.
What is your opinion on no sex before marriage? I think it has certain positive aspects for young people, but it's really no one's business as long as no one gets sick or pregnant.
Was your last kiss perfect? Given the circumstances, yes.
Have you ever wanted to never give up on someone? Well, yeah, after 46 years, this has come up at least once. {eyeroll}
Would you push someone off a cliff if you had the chance? I wouldn't plan ahead for the possibility, but in the heat of the moment there are a few people I would be tempted to send over, yes.
Have you ever broken someone's heart? Welcome to life. Yes. If you are a parent, have parents, siblings, friends...yeah. Been there.
Have you ever liked someone who didn't like you back? 'course!
Have you ever thought something would work out but they used you? Seems a relative constant over time.
Is this survey hard for you? It's not helping my headache, but nothing really is, so.... Carry on:
Would you ever want to be a supermodel? Uh, I'd rather dig ditches.
Do you tell white lies? See comment re assholery above. Yes, I do tell lies.
Do you scratch when and where you want to scratch? Not always. Of course.
How do you handle a break up? With dismay and sorrow.
What was the last thing you ate? Scots shortbread.
Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect? They do fly right in sometimes, don't they. Yes.
Do daddy long legs freak you out? Not really. I am grateful for the work they do.
Have you ever cleaned up someone elses vomit? I have a kid, among other reasons. Of course I have.
Do you kiss your pets on the mouth? It freaks out the guinea pig, so I've stopped trying.
Would you ever work in a retirement home? I totally do not have the patience or emotional wherewithal for it.
Have you ever had to dial 911 before? Yes.
When was the last time you had ice cream? Gotta be at least 4 months....
Do you honestly hate anyone? I sort of dishonestly hate someone. Does that work for you?
Do you prefer morning or night? Most of the time, morning.
Do you swear a lot? Fuckin' A man!!
Can you whistle? Yes. I. Can. Can you? People don't whistle as much any more...sad.
Could you ever picture yourself on a reality television show? Not so much, no.
What was the last movie you watched? Beast was watching the latest Batman movie, again, last night.
Do you drink more apple or orange juice? Apple
Have you spoken to your Father today? Well, with that capitalization, yes. Small 'f' father, that's a little harder to do.
What is bothering you right now? My head hurts. Day 3. So irritating.
Have you ever kissed someone with braces? I kiss with my lips, not my teeth. Weirdo.
When was the last time you cried? ...been awhile.
Where did you last go out to eat? Six Balls, or maybe Jena-Ps. Can't remember.
What time did you go to sleep last night? It was 11-something. I don't remember precisely.
Do you regret anything you've done this year? Always room for regret. I try not to dwell on them, but they are around.
What is the most fun that you've had in the past week? Working on Wednesday was fun. Working on the jigsaw this wee was fun too.
Are you waiting on anything? I'm just waiting on a friend. And yes.
Do you think that you will be married within ten years? I'm married now, so...yeah.
Do you like waking up to new texts in the morning? It beats waking up to the alarm clock, I guess.
Are you currently angry about anything? Nah.
What was your last phone conversation about and who was it with? Cindy called to find out what the weather was like and to be sure her house was still standing.
Do you feel like anyone's taking you for granted? I have a teenage son: what do you think?
Do you regret anything you've done this week? Hello? Haven't we been here already? Yes, ok, YES!
Will you be up before 7am tomorrow? Probably not.
Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing right now? I think it was a gift. It's VERY warm, and itchier than heck, but it's very pretty.
Would you ever tattoo your significant other's name on yourself? I don't really think that's likely.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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