Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday 9

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Sam's Last Stand of 2009

1. What did you think of 2009?
I give it a D-. It sucked. Maybe not quite as much as 2008, but pretty damn close!
2. What do you think was the news story of the year?
I'm going with the most ink (virtual or actual) expended: Michael Jackson's death and all the stuff since then about him. However, I think the most important news stories for us all have been about the economy.
3. What happened this year that you never want to hear another word about?
People so desperate for validation that they'll literally try anything to get on TV. (Balloon Boy, White House Party Crashers, etc.)
4. What was your favorite song of 2009?
Depends on my mood but I like "Boom Boom Pow" (Black Eyed Peas), "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight" and "Get On Your Boots" (U2), and "Single Ladies" (Beyonce) to name a few.
5. What did you accomplish this year?
I think my temper was generally more under control. I've acquitted myself very well in my new boss's eyes. Becoming an "official orphan" has provided some gravitas to my life too--not that I "did" anything to "accomplish" that. Being with my mom for the last few days of her life was something I treasure. Also, I got back into bell choir.
6. Did you learn anything new this year?
Life really does carry on around you as things go completely to hell personally.
7. What are you looking forward to in the new year?
I'm probably joining a knitting group. Sparky's senior year in high school starts in the fall. Seeing my great-nephew (maybe in March) will be wonderful.
8. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
Stay home, watch TV, wait for the local yahoos to finish setting off fireworks at midnight, go to bed.
9. What's the best thing you ever did on a New Year's Eve?
We have a delightful picture of Sparky "staying awake" on New Year's Eve 1999 when he was 6. He lasted till 11ish, and then crashed out in the papa-san chair in his Pooh slippers and jammies, with a book on his lap. Too adorable.

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