Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday 9

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Leaving on a Jet Plane

1. When was the last time you jetted away for the holidays?
It's been a very long time. I don't want to be involved in airports during the holidays anymore; they're bad enough the rest of the time! The last time we weren't home (i.e., went to someone else's house for holiday festivities) was a couple of years ago.
2. What is your fondest birthday memory?
My 16th birthday was fun. My 22nd was fun too. My 40th was good as well. I'm not going to get into the details except that they'd probably sound really freakin' boring to most people.
3. What names do you go by?
My given name, "Mom", Cat. (but pretty much only online), Mrs. [husband's last name], Ms. [my last name], Ma'am/Miss/Hey You! (at work), and the occasional cutesy name from Beast. In spite of being an aunt 8 times over, no one refers to me as Aunt [name]; maybe the new baby will call me that as it's easier than Great-Aunt [name] Oooh! After 40 years of aunt-hood, I finally get the honorific (like I've been waiting?).
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?
I like putting the tree up. I like wrapping presents and receiving cards (and even reading Xmas letters--REALLY!). I like the Christmas Eve service. My favorite thing on Christmas Eve is putting baby Jesus in the manger after Sparky goes to bed.
5. Where is your least favorite place to be, and why?
In a crowd. I don't like crowds. At all. They freak me out, not in the sense of having an extended, obvious panic attack. I just don't like mob mentality.
6. Have you ever had a scary stalker type?
I'm assuming have I ever been stalked. Not that I know of.

Ironically, I got into this a bit with a patron last month when he asked why none of us have our last names on our nametags. I told him I didn't want people to know my last name for security reasons. "Really? How could that be unsafe?" This guy totally wigs out about half the staff because he's big and kind of shambling and weird. While I'm ok with him in general, he's exactly the type of person I don't want to know my last name. Two coworkers have had problems in the past with different individuals calling them, following them home, etc. I'm a little preventatively-paranoid.
7. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Pigging out on Thanksgiving and laughing a lot over the course of the day. I love people having fun and being comfortable.
8. What are two activities you do after eating Thanksgiving Dinner?
Well, normally we just sit around groaning and watching football or doing the dishes. This year it was all about pool on the newly-assembled table in our basement and the Food Network. There was still a lot of goofing around and laughter, which is important regardless of the actual activities.
9. What did your family do for Thanksgiving when you were a kid? Do you still do it? If not explain why.
Mom usually cooked. I helped with dishes afterwards. Not sure what other people did. I suspect at least a few went for a walk, but honestly...I don't remember. It was really ALL about the meal and then sitting around groaning and talking. Maybe some board games? I seem to remember at least one afternoon of Boggle. We pretty much still do the same thing: eat and then whatever people want to do afterwards. Very laid-back.

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