Saturday, November 21, 2009

Random Blogthings

You Are Outgoing and Expressive
You love to communicate to and relate with others. Sharing stories and experiences is one of your favorite things in life.

You are an open and easy going person. You don't have many hang ups or inhibitions. You are who you are.

Your energy level is pretty high. You tend to be fairly calm when you're alone, but being in a group really makes you spark up.

Your signature latte would have the works in it. You're not above putting in a couple types of syrup and whipped cream. And heck, sprinkles too!

Hey, the more syrup, sprinkles and whipped cream, the less coffee! Woot!
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You Are the Playful One in Your Family
When you're with your family, you want to relive the times you had as a kid. You're ready to goof around, joke, and play games.

You probably get along best with the kids in your family. You wish all the adults would lighten up a little and connect with their inner child.

While you sometimes may feel a bit out of step with your family, they appreciate your levity.

You are a truly happy person. Your enthusiasm and optimism are a blessing to those around you, including your family.

This is somewhat accurate, though I have to honestly say that my brother is the goofball, not me. I'm just a misfit.
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You Think That Confidence is Glamourous
You admire someone who can walk in to a room completely underprepared and wrongly dressed yet still own it.

Glamour doesn't have anything to do with how much money you have or how fancy you look. It's all about what you've got going on with your attitude.

The most enchanting people have taken a good look at themselves and accepted who they are. True confidence comes from high self esteem.

You believe that you can't be truly loved and respected until you love and respect yourself.

I respect people like this. I certainly am NOT a person like this, however!
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You Are Count von Count
You? A vampire? Well, maybe in name only. There's nothing really vampiric about you.

You are the kindest person in the world. You wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone suck someone's blood.

You are a natural teacher, and you enjoy the company of children.
And not because you find them delicious!

People make find you annoying at times, but they never find you frightening. The only thing scary about your mouth is that you talk too much!

Yeah, well, pretty much....
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You Are Easy-going and Relaxed
You have an inner peace and total calm that other people envy. You don't allow yourself to have mood swings.

People can depend on you day in and day out. You don't change your mind or who you are.

And while you're quick to react, you're also quick to act. Some have even accused you of being lazy. [uh, this pair of sentences makes no sense...or is it just me?]

You do think that people work too hard for too little in this world. You're willing to be a little passive and see what comes to you.

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You Are a Cherry Scone
The early part of your day is filled with delight and happiness.

You see each day as a new beginning - a chance to do something different or better.

You enjoy the morning for as long as it lasts. You wish the quiet of the early hours could go on all day.

You're the type most likely to make your scones from high quality ingredients. You like to indulge those you love. You never skimp.

I wouldn't use the word "delight," but I do love mornings.
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You Should Not Date a Vampire
You just don't understand what all the vampire fuss is about. You certainly do not find the ideas of vampires sexy.

What's hot about someone who wants to bite through your skin? Yuck!
Plus, you're pretty sure vampires have bad breath.

And you're definitely not drawn to that sickly, pale look. Or all that moodiness - no thanks!

You think that regular old humans are plenty attractive. You can't imagine why anyone would pick a broody beast over a healthy, alive person.

Yup. Except for that "broody beast" part which is making me absolutely giggle.

0 sweet-talkers :

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