Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday Thunks

(Link in blogroll)
Kids falling out, revenge and unmentionables

1. Your thoughts on truck drivers?
1) For several years, I wanted to drive a truck for a living; 2) My nephew is one; and 3) my father-in-law ran the H-D fleet for about 12 years. So...yeah, those are my thoughts.
2. Did you hear Michelle Duggar is pregnant for the 15th time? (but that will be kid #19 if you lost count....)
I didn't lose count. I just don't care.
3. Have you ever done something to hurt someone intentionally... just for the sole purpose of hurting them because you thought they deserved it? Maybe a paybacks a bitch sort of thing?
Yup. Details not forthcoming.
4. Is there anyone in your life that when you go to their place of residence, you just walk in without bother knocking? Does anyone just walk into your house without knocking?
No. And no.
5. What's in the trunk of your car? Do you even have a clue?
I drive a pickup. In the bed is a lot of sand, a two-by-four and a bungee web. In the jump-seat area are several cloth bags, my GPS unit, a smooshed box of Kleenex, and possibly some other random stuff like an empty bottle of pop or drive-through napkins. Nothing much, though.
6. When you go to a family holiday get together (such as Christmas or Thanksgiving), about how many people are there?
The biggest crowd we've had for Thanksgiving here is about 12 or so. If we ALL got together--like for Mom's memorial service in few months--it would be 22 people. And at least two arguments.
7. What is in your kitchen sink right at this very moment?
The pizza spatula from last night. I should wash some stuff up in a bit--there are some things on the counter that are hand-wash only.
8. You go to a store to buy an expensive item... say $150. You pick up that item and a couple other this n' thats. You get to the register and the expensive item rings up at $40. The cashier doesn't seem to notice and tells you your total. Do you go with what they say and pay it or do you question the price difference? You know you would question it if your $40 item rang up at $150....
Shut up--I'm so out the door for $40!
9. Do you fold your underwear or do you just toss it in a drawer?
Fold, fold, FOLD!
10. There is a Harley-Davidson giveaway. Chances are $100 and they are only selling 250 tickets. Do you buy one?
Hot Damn! OMG--this is soooooooo freaky! I'm so in on this one.
11. Who is your favorite Disney character?
Ummmm, Sarabi? Or maybe Nala.
12. It's September - most of the weekly sitcoms/dramas are starting new seasons again. Which one are you most looking forward to?
CSI, TAR, Survivor, and maybe NCIS.
13. You are at a grocery store and are on your way out to your car with your cart full of grocery bags. On your way to your car you see a black kitten in an empty cart. What do you do?
Well, I'm certainly NOT going to touch it! (I'm allergic.) I might call the cops and see if they'll come get it.
14. Is there anything that you do for a hobby that you are asked to do for friends/family that most people would hire a professional to do? (example: cake decorating, fixing cars....)
I've been "told" I'm doing a scrapbook for people in the past. I do not handle being "told" well. And I no longer scrapbook.
15. Are we there yet?
It seems that we are.

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