(from Kwizgiver)
Today's task: who has just one task per day? I worked, I made dinner (after I finished the work I brought home), I did dishes, I'm meming, and I have some other chores to do tonight yet.
You wouldn't be caught dead where? Mills, WY
Do you have any hidden talents? Some of my talents are so well-hidden even I don't know about them. Serious answer: I'm pretty good at reading the emotional temperature of a room.
Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at: putting random thoughts together to make new ideas, and jumping to conclusions. They are sort of related.
Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at: staying calm when upset and staying on schedule.
Have you ever won a trophy? No. I never participated in anything that involved trophies.
Name one thing not many people know about you: I'm developing an appreciation for (some) country music.
Name your earliest memory: ...I remember the living room suite we had when I was a kid before the 8-foot sofa mainly because I had a nightmare involving hairy blue monsters and the furniture. I don't remember the dream, just the furniture and the monsters. Remember, this is pre-Sesame Street.
What was your favorite musical group in jr. high? Andy. Gibb.
What was something the worst roommate you ever had did? I was fortunate to have stellar roommates in college, and my husband is a good roomie too. Except for the 15 years of snoring. Come to think of it, my best friend in college (and roommate for two years) snored too. Gaaah.
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? FREEEEEEEE (of my mother)
What was your worst dating experience? I can truthfully say all my dating experiences were worthwhile, if not particularly romantic or whatever. I can say that because I never -- ever -- even considered dating Jerry. He was far too desperate for my taste.
If you were about to die what would your last meal be? Something that I could make last a REEEEALLLLLYYYYYY LLLLOOONNNNGGGGG TIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMEE.
Who is the most important person in your life? Up until recently, the default answer was Sparky. He's mostly taking care of himself now, so...me?
If your house was on fire what 3 things would you grab on your way out? Assuming living beings were alread safe...family Bibles, laptop, and Dad's wooden photo box.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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