Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thursday Thunks

(Link in blogroll)

1. Your thoughts on hunting?
I think if you're going to do it, it should be done right: kill discriminately, learn to dress what you kill, use what you kill, be grateful to God/nature for providing it. I do NOT think that hunting for "fun"--killing and leaving the kills behind--should go unpunished.
2. Swine Flu vaccine... will you get it?
Probably, though I wouldn't want to be first in line; I think others.
3. What is one job/profession that you think there are just too many of?
4. I want to go on a diet, what advice will you offer me?
"Don't ask me for advice. Get someone who knows and ask them."
5. You are going out on a date with someone for the very first time. When you get into their car, you see a box of condoms on the floor. What do you do?
Hmmm...subtle. I think this is likely to be a short date, and also the only date with this guy. Then again, I'm married; what do I know.
6. Name something in your bathroom that shouldn't be there.
Other people would say the book on the counter. I would say the fact that there is only one book.
7. What was your Kindergarten teacher like?
Her name was Mrs. Morton. She was probably about 50, and rather serious, but I loved her. The other Kindergarten teacher was young and pretty. Everyone wanted her, but I like Mrs. Morton ok.
8. What kind of oil do you use when you cook?
Depends on what I'm cooking. Olive oil for meats and so forth. Vegetable oil for baking, etc.
9. If someone takes an unflattering picture of you and posts it online, do you beg them to take it down or do you laugh at yourself with everyone else?
I'd ignore it. Seriously, why keep bringing it up so other people will continue to notice it. I have to say, this is one of the behaviors of teenage girls that annoys me the most.
10. What brand of dishwashing soap do you use?
Dawn. I think?

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