Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Stealing

(Link in blogroll)
Janana's Now Vs. Then Meme
*Think back to ten years ago on this month.
*Write truthful answers and ELABORATE. This makes it more interesting!
*If you don't have a scanner you may omit #14 but I think if you do you should totally do it!
*It's about personal changes. Have fun with it!
Then: August 1999

1. Age: 35.75

2. Romantic Status: Married for 13 years. Or sentenced to 500 years, depending on the day.

3. Occupation: Part-time at the library--about 18 hours/week. Doing lots of volunteer work for church: Sunday School, data entry, was a Superintendent that year? And mom stuff, of course.

4. Fun night out: Infrequent and usually consisting of dinner and a show.

5. My BFFs: Jenny, Pam R., Arlene, Linda, Breck, etc.

6. I spent way too much time: worrying about money.

7. I spent not enough time: relaxing about Sparky's childhood.

8. I wanted to be when I grew up: more patient.

9. Biggest concern: See #6.

10. What my biggest concern should have been: living in the moment with a 6-year-old.

11. Where did I live: in a house I hated with mostly-horrible Anglo neighbors, and lovely Hispanic neighbors, in the town where I worked.

12. Dumbest thing I did that year: Oh, hell, who knows? Nothing tragic, I'm sure.

13. If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: "Chill Out! And don't involve yourself in othe people's drama; it's totally not worth it."

14. Picture of me then: n/a (no scanner, sorry)

Now: August 2009

1. Age: 45.75

2. Romantic Status: Still married: 23 years. Or sentenced to 500 years, depending on the day.

3. Occupation: 30ish hours at the library. Youth leader at church. Volunteer at school library. Mom stuff.

4. Fun night out: A show in Big City to the East or watching Deadliest Catch on TV for the 32nd time this week.

5. My BFFs: Jenny, Amy, Martha, John, etc.

6. I spend way too much time: online.

7. I spend not enough time: reading.

8. I want to be when I grow up: able to travel more.

9. Biggest concern: my eye(s).

10. What my biggest concern should be: How we're paying for Sparky's college in a few years.

11. Where do I live: In a house I love, with wonderful neighbors in a town about which a satiric book should/could be written.

12. Dumbest thing I have done this year: ...let me count the ways... Nope, not enough stars in the sky.

13. What I think I would say to myself in 10 years: I hope you're enjoying the quiet!


1. What do I miss most from 1999: Sparky being a little kid.

2. What do I miss least from 1999: Chronic insomnia and Beast's snoring.

3. What have I accomplished in 10 years that I am most proud of: I have a wonderful teenage son who makes me proud every day (when I'm not beating my head on a brick wall over him) and a career/job to die for.

4. What have I NOT accomplished in 10 years that I wish I had: I would like to worry less and enjoy life more. But at least I see progress in this area.

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