Friday, August 7, 2009

Four for Friday

(Link in blogroll)

Q1 - Feelings: Do you believe anyone else can be responsible for how you feel/your feelings, or do you believe only you can be responsible for how you feel?
I think situations cause reactions, but we are responsible for at least attempting to deal with the way we handle the situation AND our reaction(s)/emotion(s). This isn't to suggest I'm always that great at doing this, however.
Q2 - Pamper: What do you do to pamper yourself when you're tired, stressed, and worn out? How about when you're feeling on top of the world for having accomplished something you worked really hard to achieve?
I go far away from people, to the extent I can. Sometimes (usually) it's just psychological distance. If only I could fit it in to my schedule. Mostly in practice, I spend more time in bathrooms. Which is why a hotel room is a luxury.

When I do something awesome, I reward myself with food. Because that's perfectly healthy!! I try to fix the situation in my mind for the next really sucky day, too, to remind myself I don't suck ALL the time.
Q3 - Deal: What's the best buy or deal -- the biggest bang for the buck -- you recall ever receiving?
My husband. He was free.
Q4 - Trade: The Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS), colloquially known as "Cash for Clunkers," has helped an estimated 250,000 Americans receive a $3,500 or $4,500 voucher toward to the purchase of a new, more fuel efficient vehicle when trading in a less fuel efficient vehicle. Eligibility requirements for vouchers include that your 'clunker' be less than 25-years-old, receive 18 or fewer miles per gallon, be registered and insured continuously for the full year preceding the trade-in, and be in drivable condition. Based on those criteria, do you have a vehicle that qualifies for Cash for Clunkers?
Nope. Sorry, we're too energy efficient. I might be able to sneak the truck in, but it's usually over 20 mpg. The Honda is closer to 30, and the Impala doesn't belong to us (company car) and I have no clue what the mpg is anyway.

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