Monday, June 22, 2009


(Found hhere)

Are you naturally pale/tanned/olive skinned etc? I'm whale white.
Do you use fake tan? No. What, truly, would be the point?
Do you have freckles? That's what happens when I'm in the sun. I don't tan--my freckles just merge.
What about moles? I've a few. Nothing big.
Do you check your moles regularly? The ones that are likely to have ever seen sunlight. ;-)
Do you get many spots/acne? I used to. Now I have rosacea, so the party continues.
Is your skin oily, dry etc? Finally--at 45!--starting to be a little drier.
Do you exfoliate often? Here's a hint: BAD idea for rosacea!
Do you have naturally rosy cheeks? See that "ros-" prefix in "rosacea"? Whaddaya think it comes from?
What do you do to care for your skin [Moisturiser, Wash etc.]? I used Olay products for sensitive skin, followed by topical Rx gel. That's all. Ever.

What is your natural hair colour? Dark brown with lots of gray.
What colour is it now? Red-ash-brown.
Do you dye your hair often? I have a standing date every 6 weeks with Chantelle.
What about bleaching it? HELL no!
Do you curl, crimp or straighten your hair? Blow it out and curl, on an exceptionally good day..
Do you use a hairdryer or let it dry naturally? Depends on the day and what I'm doing.
How long is your hair? Long enough for a decent French braid, with a fringe. I guess the long part is a few inches past my shoulders.
Do you get it trimmed often? Every 6 weeks, Chantelle and I argue about how much she should NOT cut off!
What is your natural style [Straight, wavy etc.]? Wavy. In fact, it's almost crimped in the back. Thanks, Dad!
What is its texture? Thick. I'm a bit vain of my hair in this respect. However, to counteract that, it's starting to get that wiry, stick-outy thing going because of the gray. sigh
How often do you wash your hair? Usually every other day. I can go for 4 days without it becoming too skankazoid, but I don't like to.
Did you know that washing it daily strips it of its natural oils? Yes. Yes I do know that.
Do you have to use medicated shampoo? Nope.
Do you suffer from dandruff at all? ONLY if I don't wash it for several days running.
What other products other then dye, shampoo and conditioner do you use? I don't. Allergies.

What colour are your eyes? Hazel.
Are you happy with them? In virtually no way am I happy with them, except to the extent that they function fairly well on any given day.
Did you inherit your eyes off a family member? You know, I'm not really sure where I got my eye shape. The color is Dad (Mom has blue eyes). The shape is probably Dad too, but I'm honestly not sure.
Do your eyes get dry often? Oh yeah. Major.
Do they change colour at all? Yes, depending on clothing and general health.
Do you use daily eye drops? I think this is going to be my life forever now: drops 4-6 times a day.
How good is your vision? Lousy. Honestly, they're going to have to invent a new construction for eyeglasses if my vision gets too much worse!
Do you use anything to improve your vision? Glasses.
Do you go to the optician regularly? I see the ophthamologist more often than some people see their therapists! Srsly, it's nuts. Good thing I like him!
What shape eyes do you have? Smally, slitted and squinty.
Do you have long or short eyelashes? Short short short.
What makeup do you use to outline your eyes? I use no makeup. That part of my life is way over.
Have you ever had an eye infection? Currently beating [another] one down right now, actually.

Do your eyebrows match your hair colour? They match my natural color. They're a little darker than my current shade.
Do they stand out or blend in? They're normal.
Do you ever pencil them? Not really.
Are they shaped? I keep them cared for, since it's the only thing I CAN do for my face!
Are they bushy? Not if I can help it!
Do you pluck or wax them? I pluck moderately.
How often? I check them daily---when I'm putting eyedrops in.
Are you happy with their shape? Pretty much.

Is your nose big or small? Large.
Do you get black heads on your nose often? There are days.
Are you quite a nasal person? Er, no?
Do you twitch your nose a lot? I don't ever twitch my nose. I wish I could.
Do you have any bumps/lumps on your nose? Nope, it's nice and smooth.
Can you naturally see your nostrils or is the end very flat? My nose, from the side, is totally flat on the bottom, and totally straight on the top. And Gallic.
Do you like your nose? My nose is very fab.

Do you naturally sit with your mouth open or closed? I try to keep it closed, but when I'm REALLY relaxed, it's open.
Do you smile with your mouth open or closed? Depends. Usually closed, I guess.
Do you show your gums when you smile? Probably not.
Do you brush your teeth regularly? Twice a day.
Do you ever brush your tongue? Nope.
Are your teeth straight? Two years of braces? Yeah.
Do you have any gaps in your teeth? They are definitely moving and they aren't even on both sides of my mouth.
Are your teeth pearly white or slightly discoloured? They will never be purely white--they have never been. I drink enough (diet) pop that my teeth have a coating. Not nice, but they're not white anyway.
Are any of them rotting? NO! I see the dentist regularly.
Do you have any cavities? Not currently. I have a LOT of fillings, though.
Do you have any fillings? ...oops...
Have you ever had braces or a retainer? See above.
Do you go to the dentist regularly? Every six months.
Do you suffer from bad breath? No. I chew a lot of sugar-free gum.
Do you still have your tonsils? Yup.
Are any of your wisdom teeth through? My wisdom teeth were pulled--not extracted--and are in a box in my dresser.
Are your teeth small or large? Biggish.
Are your lips pale pink or dark pink? Pale.
Do your lips get cracked often? No, I use a lot of Chapstick.
Do you wear lipstick, lipgloss or chapstick? Chapstick and Burts Bees lip color if I'm feeling fancy.
Do you get ulcers often? Nope.

Are your ears small or large? Average and growing.
Are they hidden by your hair? If I don't pull my hair up.
Or do they stick out? I used to think they did, but they don't.
Have you ever had an operation to pin them back? No.
Do you get a lot of wax build up? No.
Ever had them syringed? Yup.
Do you clean them often? Daily.
How good is your hearing? I'm aging. And my ears are genetically predisposed to failing. Sucks.
Have you ever had tinnitus? Yup. More sucking.
Or any other ear infection? I've had inner ear infections. But, tinnitus isn't an 'ear infection'--it's a symptom of many different problems.
Do you get earaches a lot? Not really.
Are you happy with your ears? Yes, to the extent that I think of them.

Toenails & Fingernails
Are your nails always cut short? No, though they should be.
Do you paint them often? As the previous person answered: "Just the toenails."
What is their current colour? Natural on the fingers, tan on the toes.
Do you file them? When they break.
Do you shape them? Only to keep them from snagging.
Do you ever wear jewels on them? Uh, negatory.
Have you ever had your nails done professionally? Yes. It helped only very briefly with the nailbiting.
Do your nails grow bent or in any odd shapes? One fingernail grows down over my finger oddly. One toenail flares out at the top.
Are your nails strong or weak? Fingers are very brittle. Toes are fine.
Do they grow fast? They seem pretty normal to me.
Do you use a strengtheners on them? No. None of them work. Trust me: I've tried 'em all.
Do you use nail clippers or scissors? Clippers. Mom used to use scissors, but they always sort of freaked me out.
Do they get dirt underneath them a lot? I keep them VERY clean!
Do you get hitchy side bits of skin a lot? WTF??? Hangnails? Yes, sorta.
Do you bite your nails? Yes. Sorta.
Do you get white marks in your nails often? Sometimes. They're just damage that happened in the nailbed, sort of like scars.
Have you ever lost a nail completely? No. Ow.
Have you ever had an ingrowing nail? Yes, a very mild one.

Are your hands large or small? I'd say they are perfection proportioned to the rest of me.
Are your hands smooth or rough? Smooth.
Do you have any burns or scars on them? Yes, though mostly small ones.
Do you have all 8 fingers and all 2 thumbs? "All 2"--hee. Yes, they're all here and complete.
Do you wear rings? Three, almost all the time.
Do your knuckles ever click? Regularly.
Have you ever had your palm read? Not by a professional. I wouldn't pay for it.
Are your hands hairy? Ah, no.
Are they wrinkly and worked? "Worked"? They are starting to get veiny like my mom's.

Are you quite muscular? Nope. I have no muscles at all.
Do you have wide hips? My sister calls my family's hips as "good child-bearin' hips."
What about wide shoulders? Nope.
Are you overweight? Yes, yes I am.
Do you have long legs and arms? Legs, yes. Arms are pretty average.
Does your belly button stick in or out? In.
Do you get her on your tummy? What? "Her"? Or "hair"? Or are you trying to talk dirty? I have very little hair, just a little fine down on my abdomen.
What about on your nipples? What about ... plock. Getting annoyed.
Do you shave your armpits? Yes.
Do you shave your legs? Once in awhile. The older I get, the less motivation I have, and the less hair, too.
Anywhere else you shave? No.
How often do you shave? When things start annoying me, or when I need to look appropriate in public.
What deodorant do you wear? Secret. I think.
Do you sweat quite a bit? Not inordinately.
Do you wear perfume and/or body spray? Yes: VS
Do you use moisturizer? I lotion up regularly.

What size shoe do you wear? 10.
Do you like your feet? I do.
Do you wear toe rings? When I remember to put them on!
Do your feet ever smell? Plastic shoes are not my friends.
Do you use foot deodorant? No.
Do your toes click often? "Click" as in crack? Yes.
Do you have dry and hard heels? Yes.
Are your feet hairy? Nah, not so much.
Does sock fluff stick between your toes? New socks do that.
Do your feet sweat a lot? What's "a lot"? I don't think so.

Are you happy with yourself generally? Sure.
Pick three changes you would change about your physical self if you could: No rosacea, no allergies, less gray in my hair.
Do you envy anyone based on looks alone? No. It's a pretty pointless excercise, so I gave it up after I no longer had "-teen" in my age.
Why/Why not? Oops, see above.
Do you have any goals to change? I have got to start exercising and eating better.
Would you ever consider plastic surgery? Only for actual repair, not for superficial stuff.
Do you have any physical deformities? Beast thinks my toes are really weird. Fortunately, he is wrong.
What are you complimented on most? Hah!

* * *

1. Your age + your birth year = 2009 [as the person before me said: "Duh."]
2. Your father's age x letters in your first name = 356 [I used Dad's age if he were around today.]
3. Letters in your full name ÷ letters of your best girl friend's first name = 4.2
4. A pet's age - today’s month = 0.1527777777....
5. All your birthday added together [eg. 25/03/90 = 2 + 5 + 0 + 3 + 9 + 0] = 14

1. Are you a grammar Nazi? I have my moments of fascism.
2. How good are you at spelling? Pretty good, as long as typos don't count.
3. Do you read a lot? I'd say constantly.
4. Do you write stories/poetry a lot? I don't write them down; I have loads in my head, though.
5. Have you ever talked LyK dIs? How would you talk in caps/smalls? And therefore, no.

Religious Education
1. Are you religious? I attend church and do a lot of volunteering there.
2. Are you open to other people’s beliefs? Sure, until they impinge on my life.
3. Does it annoy you when others preach? Mostly only when they are close-minded.
4. Do you pray often? Yes.
5. Were you christened, baptised etc? What rites Presbyterians have, I've done.

1. Where in the world do you live? USA.
2. Can you read maps? Yes.
3. Do you get lost often? Not to the point of panic, no. I frequently end up on roads I'm not familiar with, but I can usually find my way to where I'm headed eventually.
4. Where does your family live? US and UK.
5. Do you wish to travel one day? Why wait till "one day"? I love seeing new places.

1. Do you have any allergic reactions to anything? I have pretty major environmental allergies: grasses, pollens, trees, cats, dogs, rodents, dust, mold....
2. Have you made use of your reproductive system yet? What a weird question. Most adults have "made use of" it! I certain used mine until much of it was removed.
3. Which is your favourite out of biology, chemistry and physics? I never took physics. I like physiology: how the body works together.
4. Are any of your family members scientists? About half of them are. Somehow the science gene failed in my DNA.
5. Do you believe that the scientific reason is correct for everything? I believe that we know a great deal about the world because of science, but not everything, not by a long shot. I think the scientific method is the best way to go about proving how things work, but sometimes it isn't quite as perfect as some people think it is.

1. Do you enjoy visiting art museums? Short visits, yes. I think I just get overwhelmed if I'm there too long.
2. Do you have a passion for drawing, etc.? Er, no.
3. Do you consider photography as a form of art? Well, yeah!
4. Who’s your favourite artist? I'm rather partial to the Renaissance period, so Michaelangelo. He was an ineresting guy.
5. Do you have any body art? Only scars and freckles.

Physical Education
1. Are you fit and healthy? I'm at about 80%, I think.
2. Are you very energetic? Not really.
3. Are you on any sports teams? No.
4. Have you ever won any medals through sport playing? I think you have me confused with someone else.
5. Do you watch sports a lot? Yes. I'm married, and my husband is a little interested in sports (she says dripping with sarcasm).

1. Do you know most of your family history? I know back to my grandparents. Mom did some genealogy on her side, but that's just mostly names, not stories.
2. Have you or a family member ever traced your family tree? I jumped ahead again. You'd think, as a librarian, I'd be all over this, but it literally makes my skin crawl to think about doing genealogy.
3. Who is your favourite king or queen? I'm not really partial to royalty, but I would have liked to have met Eleanor of Aquitaine, or Boudicca.
4. Which era would you of liked to live in? NIIIICE grammar! I'm perfectly happy with the current era.
5. Are you interested in other eras/lifestyles? I like history, yes.

1. Are you a drama queen? Sometimes.
2. Would you ever consider an acting career? I would consider it...and then reject it as ridiculous.
3. Do you watch drama series or movies a lot? I only watch drama shows, but I prefer comedy movies. But not the latest crop of stupid comedy. I'm pretty fussy.
4. Can you change your voice to sound like others? ...mmmm, maybe...? I can do accents, sometimes.
5. Can you cry/laugh on demand? Sure.

1. Music = Life? A life worth living, certainly.
2. Can you play an instrument? Not well, but yeah.
3. Would you ever be in a band? I'm in a bell choir; does that count?
4. What music do you hate? The previous response was "Most modern hip hop is revolting." I tend to agree. I'm also not a fan of most opera or jazz.
5. Can you read music? Uh, yeah.

1. What languages can you speak? English, of course. Spanish, a bit. Dribs and drabs in a couple of others.
2. Do you enjoy learning languages? Yes. I wish I could study a couple of others.
3. Have you ever paid for language lessons? Only in school.
4. Say a sentence in another language: Estoy estudiando las lecciones anoche.
5. What’s the main language of your country? English.

1. Do you prefer cooking or baking? Neither, frankly.
2. Who cooks most in your house? I do. It's not always pretty.
3. What is your favourite home cooked meal? Homemade mac'n'cheese. Or Thanksgiving.
4. Does your family have a 'family secret ingredient' that gets passed down via generations? Not.
5. What have you cooked in school/college? I took Home Ec in 8th grade, if that's what you're asking. I remember making fondant (ugly).

Computer Technology
1. Do you use the computer regularly? Uhm, yeah.
2. Do you know how to build a computer from scratch? I'm not a "from scratch" kind of person; it just doesn't interest me. See "cooking" above.
3. Who sorts out the problems with your computer? Beast and I sorta take turns.
4. Have you ever had a virus on your computer? Yup, unfortunately.
5. What do you mostly use the computer for? Entertainment. And work.

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