Saturday, April 18, 2009

Patrick's Place

(Link in blogroll)
Saturday 6

1. What is the last drink you drank at home?
I'm currently drinking Diet Pepsi (I know, I know, alert the media, it's not DDP, but most stores don't sell that in the gimme lanes). The last "drink" drink I had was vodka lemonade on Sunday last.
2. You’re ordering a latte: do you prefer caffeine or decaf? Flavored or regular? Lowfat or regular?
If you see me ordering a latte, it's either not for me, or an alien life form has taken over my body.
3. What is the last non-alcoholic drink you ordered at a restaurant?
"Diet whatever" at brunch today.
4. What’s the most exotic mixed drink you remember trying? Did you enjoy it?
What's exotic? To me, that would mean scotch on the rocks (yuck, by the way). The concept of mojitos makes me gag a little. I like mimosas, Long Island iced teas, tequila sunrises, electric lemonades, and cosmos. I think I like hurricanes, but they are mighty sweet--not sure I could finish a whole one. Also Stoli straight with a twist. Take your pick.
5. Take the quiz: What Flavor Margarita Are You?
I did this almost 3 years ago and but I've retaken it...and got the same exact result. Too bad it sounds positively FOUL to drink.
6. How likely would you be to order the drink listed as the answer to the previous question?
Oops. Jumped ahead on that last reply. ;-)
Well, to be fair, it would be extremely unlikely for me to request ANY margarita whatsoever. They are well past the top 20 choices for me. Still above mojitos, scotch, gin, beer, and cheap champers, but pretty far down.

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