Friday, March 20, 2009

Cheddar X

YAY, Cheddar X is back!!
Receding Cheese

1. How worried are you about a layoff?
For myself, not really--hard to get fired in a library. For Beast, pretty worried.
2. How likely are you to be laid off because of the recession?
Extremely unlikely, unless my mouth REALLY gets me in trouble.
3. What plans have you made in case a layoff does come down?
We're watching our money a little more closely, and we'd immediately cancel several 'luxury' things, but overall...whaddaya gonna do?
4. What have you decided to go without in order to save some money?
Generally, we're trying not to eat out so much. That's a big savings for us!
5. Has anything positive come from the recession?
Schedule Nazi retired. Hallelujah! That makes it almost worthwhile.
6. How will you know your personal recession is over?
When Beast gets a raise.
7. How will you celebrate?
Put the raise in the bank. We are so boring!

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