Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Stealing

(Link in blogroll)
The "Get to Know Your Friends" Meme

1. What is your occupation right now? This very second, I would call my occupation Slugbutt Extraordinaire. However, for money I work as a public librarian.

2. What color are your socks right now? They seem to still be the same gray they began the day as.

3. What are you listening to right now? Keyboard keys tapping away, and strains of (probably) Green Day coming from Sparky's room, fairly quietly. I can hear Beast in the office periodically, too.

4. Last person you spoke to on the phone. Beast. He called while I was paying for groceries and asked me to get a printer cartridge. So I went and got one at Staples, and learned something interesting in the process about ink cartridges from the guy working. La.

5. How old are you today? 45

6. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Football.

7. What is your favorite drink? Long Island Iced Tea. Or diet Dr. Pepper.

8. Have you ever dyed your hair? I haven't ever done it myself. I hire People to do it for me.

9. Favorite food? That which someone else has cooked.

10. What is the last movie you watched? The end of E.T. the other night.

11. Favorite day of the year? That day in early spring where EVERYthing seems possible over the course of the next couple of months.

12. How do you vent anger? Loudly and (frequently) at the wrong target(s).

13. What was your favorite toy as a child? Depending on my age, it was Barbie, Skipper, the Dawn dolls, Snake, jacks, my brother's Matchbox cars, or my books.

14. Living arrangements? I live in a house I share with my husband and son on 1/3 acre in the upper midwest U.S. surrounded by a motley assortment of people I adore and people I want to move far away.

15. What was the last thing that you cried about? The death of MIL hit me hard this week.

16. Who is the friend you have had the longest? I'm still vaguely in contact with a couple of people I met in 1970.

17. What did you do last night? At dinner at Duke's--which was absolutely divine--came home, Twittered, Facebooked, took some Benadryl and crashed into bed.

18. What are you most afraid of? Failure.

19. In how many areas of your country have you lived? Primarily, two. But three states.

20. What is your favorite flower? Heirloom roses from the garden.

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