(from here)
1. what were you doing at 7 this morning? Realizing I was supposed to be awake 45 minutes earlier, but just rolling out of bed.
2. how many siblings do you have? Currently, three.
3. do you like someone? blick
4. what is your current fave. song? ...anything happy is welcome right now....
5. do you have any podcast/tv shows on your ipod? I don't have an iPod, and I don't have anything podcasts on my Zen.
6. who was the last person you ate something with? Sparky and I are noshing together tonight.
7. do you like things to match? Yes. I'm sort of hung up on this sort of thing.
8. do you have A I M? I use meebo.
9. how many conversations are you having right now? None, except sporadic comments between Sparky and me about Survivor.
10. pens or pencils? I actually prefer (very sharp) pencils.
11. are you bored? I don't feel good; bored doesn't really enter into it.
12. do you eat at wendy's? Not often, not locally especially.
13. can you drive? Yes.
14. what are you looking forward to in the next month? Being healthy. Easter. I can't think of anything else.
15. what was the 1st thing you heard this morning? My alarm going off, but only very vaguely. Hence the oversleep.
16. do you have a dog? No.
17. happy? I'm not unhappy.
18. whats your favorite movie? Heathers. Fiddler on the Roof. RHPS. Matrix. ...others.
19. what's the closest green object to you? My Greek felt jacket. (although the chair I'm in actually has some green in it.
20. are you at school? Not fucking likely.
21. Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few best friends? A few good 'uns.
22. what was the last thing you ate? Toasted garlic bread.
23. missing anyone? Beast, a little.
24. who was your next to last text from? blick
25. and what did it say? blick blick
26. do you keep secrets? Some. I'm actually not very good at this.
27. what's on your mouse pad? Don't have one.
28. do you think anyone else will do this if you post it? blick
29. Don't you hate it when surveys ask the same questions over and over? YES - I - DO !!!!!!!!!
30. Do you have a significant other? Yup.
31. Do you ever add questions to surveys if they aren't long enough? Oh, hell, why hadn't I thought of that?? So, no.
32. Do you like bolding surveys? I bold all the time. Haven't you noticed?
33. Where was the second time you kissed the last person you kissed? The last person I kissed was Sparky. You figure it out.
34. Have you ever cut your own hair? Yes. Usually, it's not a good look.
35. What are you listening to right now? "boop" from Meebo--CSI is on mute during the ad, and I'm IMing Beast about Survivor.
36. Do you ever look at your boyfriend's exes myspace? a) Don't use MySpace, b) don't know who Beast's exes are.
37. Is it because you're a stalker? I probably would if I knew their names...though only on Google.
38. How tall are you? 172 cm.
39. Do you think that really tall slinky girls look disghusting? No. But I do think your spelling of that word is bizarre.
40. By now, have you realized that guys will date any ugly girl as long as she's skinny? In my experience, skinny isn't the deal: it's behavior and the upper torso.
41. Do you think that you're superficial in any way? Reread that last question and make the determination yourself.
42. Do you love doing surveys? Evidently.
43. Is it your favorite season? Fuck no.
44. Does your school require exams? All of my former schools do.
45. What're you doing tomorrow? Sleeping and trying to get healthy.
46. What're you doing the day after tomorrow? I hope to be working a full day for the first time this week.
47. Do you miss your BFF? blick
48. Do you and your best friends have any traditions? I suppose.
49. Have you ever bought anything from goodwill? Yes.
50. Hit the next button on itunes, what song comes on? blick (and I don't use iTunes)
51. Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend have a song? My husband and I do.
52. Do you pray at nighttime or before meals? I pray whenever. Those two places/times are not usual.
53. What's your second favorite color? Brown.
54. What color is your bathroom? White walls, and blue towels and so forth.
Middle School Memories
1) Where did you graduate from and what year? M@ry L0u!se Fl00d Jr. High, spring 1979.
2) Did you have school pride? I suppose.
3) Was your 8th grade dance one to remember? I don't remember if we had a 9th grade dance (ahem). If so, I didn't go.
4) Do you own all 3 yearbooks? Yup.
5) What was the worst trouble you ever got into? I never got in trouble, not at school. My mom got pissed off at me regularly, but I was very good at school.
6) What kind of people did you hang out with? Band- and brain-geeks.
7) What was your number 1 choice of high school in MS? Huh?
8) What radio station did you jam out to in middle school? KHOW and KIMN. (why do I retain this shit?)
9) Were you involved in any organizations or clubs? A few.
10) What were your favorite classes? Almost all of them.
11) Who was your big crush in middle school? Virtually every boy in the building was of interest, but the Big Names that I recall were Joel, Larry, Ron and Troy.
12) Would you say you've changed a lot since middle school? Oh, dear GOD, I HOPE so!!
13) What do you miss the most about it? The energy and excitement of every day.
14) Did you have a car? In middle school? Even if I had, I couldn't have driven it.
15) What were your school colors? Red and white.
16) Who were your favorite teachers? Ms. Arr@j, Ms. Sch#lln^t, Mr. G!lchr!st, Mr. Sh^p#.
17) Who was your worst teacher? I can't think of any awful teachers.
18) Did you own a cell phone in middle school? In 1978? No.
19) Did you leave campus for lunch? Not allowed.
20) If so, where was your favorite place to go eat? n/a
21) Were you always late to class? NEVER.
22) Did you ever have to stay for Saturday school? I'm not aware of there being Saturday school.
23) Did you ever ditch? No.
24) When it comes time for the reunion, will you be there? For middle school? Hell no.
25) Do you wish you were still in middle school? No way.
Ten Things About You
1. Are you single: No.
2. Are you happy: See previous response to this question above.
3. Are you sad: No, not really.
5. Are you Italian: Not that I'm aware.
6. Are you expensive: No.
8. Are you blonde: Nope.
9. Are you Irish: I have some Scotch-Irish background.
10. Are your parents still married: Technically, I guess so.
Ten Facts
1. Name: Cat.
2. Birthplace: Denver, CO.
3. Real hair color: Brunette.
4. Birthday: The day after Veteran's Day.
7. Mood: Very tired.
8. Favorite color: Blue.
9. Where do you live? Midwest U.S.
10. Left or right handed: Righty.
Ten Things About Your Love Life
1. Do you love someone: Yes.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not in my case.
4. Have you ever hurt anyone emotionally: Yes.
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart: Probably.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them: Too many times.
8. Are you afraid of commitment: Not particularly.
9. Have you hugged someone within the last week: Yes.
10. Have you ever had a "secret" admirer: I guess. I dunno. Too tired to work it out right now.
Ten This Or Thats
1. Love or lust: Love.
3. Cats or dogs: Dogs. But really neither.
4. A few best friends or many regular friends: See above.
6. Pepsi or coke: blick
7. Wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic night, especially if that means quiet.
8. Money or happiness: Happiness.
9. Night or day: Day.
10. AIM or phone: IM or email.
Ten This Or Thats Part Two
1. Smile or eyes: Smile.
2. Light hair or dark hair: Dark.
3. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
4. Shorter or taller: Taller.
8. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
9. Do you want a girlfriend/boyfriend: Not right now.
10. Sun or moon: SUN!!
Ten Have You Evers
1. Been caught sneaking out: I never did this.
2. Been skinny-dipping with your bf/gf?: No.
3. Done something you regret: Of course.
4. Bungee jumped: Nope.
5. Lied to someone you loved: Of course.
6. Finished an entire jawbreaker: Of course (but not for a long time).
8. Wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back: Yes.
9. Cried because you lost a pet: Of course.
10. Wanted to disappear: Many times.
Ten Lasts
1. Last phone call you made: Beast.
2. Last phone call you received: Dunno.
3. Last person you hung out with: Sparky.
4. Last place you went: Walgreen's.
6. Last person you IM'd: Beast.
7. Last text message: blick
9. Last person / thing you missed: blick blick
10. Person you would wanna be with right now: No one.
are you currently taking any science class in school? I'm not currently in school, so...no.
where is your cell phone at? Plugged into the charger in the kitchen.
what is the most played song on your music player? No clue. Don't care.
what was the last thing you had to eat? That I "had to eat" or that I ate?? I last ate toasted garlic bread. The last think I "had to eat" was...uh, I can't think of anything.
what does your hair look like? Very messy ponytail, and not all that clean, either.
what was the last compliment you received? Dunno.
would you ever donate blood? I try to donate whenever I can. Anyone who can should. It pisses me off that more people don't.
how many people are currently online your aim list? There are 5 in meebo: Janet, Liz, Lisa, Jason, and Mar. Two are "away" and one is on Do Not Disturb.
what was the last television show you watched? I'm watching a show on skeletons.
what was the last movie you watched? Matrix.
are you craving anything right now? Sleep. And a bath.
do you think that you're attractive? Not at this particular moment, no.
do you have myspace? if so, what is your url? No. So, no.
how many friends do you have on myspace? The last time I logged in, I think four.
do you prefer white meat or dark meat? Dark. (I'm giggling now, singing a song from "Hair" in my head....)
what was the last thing you thought was funny? The previous question.
what did the last shoes you wore look like? Comfortable librarian shoes with velcro.
do you label people? Of course. One has to get through life.
do you have/want any piercings or tattoos? I have my earlobes pierced and that's good.
what would be your choice of weapon, if you had to choose? For WHAT? Could this be any more vague? For shooting rabbits, a shotgun. For dropkicking a teenage ego, words.
what bones have you ever broken? None that I know of for sure.
do you ever make fun of other peoples survey answers? Of course!!
has anyone ever made fun of your answers? Of course!!
what do you currently hear? "After two long years, the rest of Carrie Erickson's remains have been found..."
do you have a favorite quote? Several.
have you ever been in a mosh pit? Ick. No.
do you have an occupation? Yes. Several.
who do you think is the sexiest person alive? Meh....er, blick.
when was the last time you took a picture of yourself? Quite awhile.
would you move, if given the chance? if so, where? if not, why? I would like to pick up my house and move it somewhere warmer.
what music artists would you like to see live? U2. Billy Joel. Melissa Etheridge.
do you like rap music? Not much of it.
is there anyone you would like to fight? Not right now.
how much money do you have on you? I probably have about $80 in my wallet.
[Bold whatever you agree with]
1. cherry cough medicine is gross [all cough medicine is gross!]
2. i wish i lived in Montana
3. i live in the midwest
4. i love talking about random things with my friends
5. long car rides are a great time to daydream [and sleep]
6. i go/used to go to sleepaway camp
7. i love music
8. i'm brunette
9. i'm blonde
10. gossip is stupid but fun
11. i go to football games [not often]
12. christmas is amazing
14. i can surf
15. i shop at abercrombie
16. i wear black eyeliner
17. short people are cool
18. tall people are cool too
19. school is fun
20. yeah i'm a nerd
21. i love hollister
22. i almost never sign off IM
23. i know what SNC stands for
24. i have a myspace
26. i realized you skipped number 25
27. i think long surveys are very fun when you are bored
28. most mints are to strong for me
29. i highly dislike a lot of people
30. i've been called a prep
31. i've been called an emo child
32. i want to live in hollywood
33. drama is so much fun
34. summer is the best
35. i wear flip flops a lot
36. gummy worms are one of the best types of candy
37. i want to go to UCLA
38. my friends are the best
39. i grew up by the beach
40. i drink
41. i hate smokers
42. hey it's your lungs
43. i love the sunset
44. i know a lot about 9/11
45. i love taking pictures
46. scarfs are cooler then gloves
47. my stomach hurts at the moment
48. i live with my parents
49. i have a annoying little brother or sister
50. writing is fun
51. i have an Ipod
52. yes, i admit, i'm a chocoholic
53. i need to pee
54. i love highway oasis
55. hot boys or girls are my life
56. make-up, never seen without it
57. my eyes change colors
58. i hate my eye color
59. i'm in my bedroom
60. my mom is talking to me
61. i like bubble baths [Give me ten minutes and I'll be running one]
62. i've been to Paris
63. plaid is gross
64. chapped lips hurt a lot
65. i'm in high school
66. i've been to one of the disney theme parks [technically, I've been to two of them]
67. i'm doing this survey at night
68. i should be doing homework
69. it's the weekend
70. i love the weekend
71. Paris Hilton is a dumb blonde
72. i own a sidekick
73. i've seen the show "scrubs"
74. i think it is funny
75. xanga is kinda lame now
76. i'm a xangaer for life
77. the beach has to much sand
78. i play soccer
79. i know who jeremy sumpter is
80. i've seen or know about the documantry called "summercamp!"
81. i will go to www.summercampmovie.com after this survey
82. i hate rainy days
83. i close my eyes and cry during horror movies
84. halloween sucks
85. i know how to make a pot of coffee
87. i have a friend who has the name of a animal
88. i'm a leader [sometimes]
89. i love swimming
90. i've been figure skating
91. i know what the capital of my state is
92. and i've been there
93. i hate school buses
94. gas station bathrooms are gross
95. i hate hillbilly like people
96. i'm cold at the moment
97. i want to go shopping
98. i have a phone next to me
99. i am pretty
100. i liked this survey
Sunday night
5 years ago
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