Saturday, December 13, 2008

Patrick's Place

(Link in blogroll)
Saturday 6

1. Are you more picky about your own appearance, your car’s appearance, or your home’s appearance?
Uh, none of the above? I probably spend more time worrying about my appearance though. My car doesn't ever enter into it, although I try to keep the inside presentable.
2. When it comes to clothes, at what store do you spend the most on the clothes you wear?
I'm all over the map on this. Probably Kohl's, I guess.
3. You are assigned a big project at work: how close to deadline do you generally complete it?
I start big, and then finish in a panic the night before. I'm horrible--a huge procrastinator!
4. Take the quiz: Are You a Perfectionist?
When I took it in 2006, I was 63% perfectionist. I'm now at 68%. Sigh. It's sad, really. I'm so much better than I used to be, and my family (sisters) must be in the 95% range, since I feel like a total slacker compared to them!
5. After you finish something you are particularly proud of, a close friend makes a comment about an alternative way you could have done the same thing, and you realize that their idea is better. How are you most likely to respond, either to that person or on the inside?
"I never thought of that! Well, next time." Sorta depends on what we're talking about and how much time (or whatever) I could have saved doing it their way. I used to get very annoyed when this happened, but I think I'm generally over it, unless the other person is rubbing my nose in it. That's not cool.
6. Which do you generally find the easier: finding fault in your own personality, or finding fault in the personalities of those closest to you?
I'm pretty good at doing both. ;-) I'm far harder on myself, really, and fairly understanding of other people's foibles, until they complete get on my last nerve. Then I belt 'em. (not) In reality, I try to deal with minor issues before they become gigantic ones. For instance, one of the women I supposedly supervise sings/hums along with her headphones regularly. The frist time I let it go, but I call her on it almost every time she does it now. How can you not know you're doing this? It sounds like moaning. Ugh.

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