Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday 5

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Keeping It Positive

1. What’s your favorite thing about the shoes you’re wearing (or the shoes you were most recently wearing)?
I've not had on shoes all day today! W00t! I think the last pair I wore--last night--were my sneakers and I like them because they are skid-proof and leave really odd prints. Also, they are comfortable (and they didn't cost an arm and a kidney).
2. What’s your favorite thing about the people you work with (or the people you go to school with)?
They are almost uniformly friendly, kindhearted, good people. Some of them drive me crazy, but none of them is intentionally nasty.
3. What’s your favorite thing about the climate where you live?
There isn't much I like about the climate here. It's humid and gross in the hottest part of summer--when it's not intemperately cold!--and the winters are miserable. It's less awful than Milwaukee in the winter, but that's because Milwaukee in the winter for me was suicide-inducing. I am not kidding. I don't mind snow, but I NEEEEEED sunlight! What I do like around here is the foggy days in the spring and fall, and autumn...though autumn anywhere is hard to beat.
4. What’s your favorite thing about Friday?
On the days I work, it's 5:00 p.m. ;-) On days like today when I don't work, it's all the Friday memes.
5. What’s your favorite thing about the year coming to an end?
We survived. Normally, I enjoy looking back, but this year has been a pip. I don't see the next few being a whole lot easier in some respects. OK, so clearly what I mostly like about the end of the year is looking back and gauging the overall year.

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