1) What is the most unbelievable thing you have ever witnessed?
Love never seems to be believable, does it?2) If you could change your identity completely (money no object), what would the new you be like?
Just like the old me, I expect. Really, it would take a lot of motivation to change myself enough to make changing my name worthwhile. It would require a death threat. [Is it obvious I'm watching "The Sarah Connor Chronicles"??]3) What would you do if you saw someone making fun of another person?
Depends on whether I like the "other person." OK, no seriously, if it was out of line teasing, I'd probably suggest the teaser cool it. I've been the victim of unending teasing, courtesy my brother, and it's no fun.4) If you could go back to the Garden of Eden and talk to Adam and Eve for five minutes, what would you say?
"See that tree over there? Yeah. Just don't go there. And stay away from snakes while you're at it." Actually, though, I'm a bit of mixed mind on this, since it was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil...and, well, I can see the temptation.5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

Well, to be honest...it reminds me of my niece and nephew, since this was taken about 10 minutes prior to their wedding. The man in the middle is the pastor. The green carpet is tulle and the flowers are sewn on to mimic a flower-strewn path. Very romantic, no? I'm so NOT a romantic...I think (thought) it was a lot of work for silly reasons. And this is why I'm not an interior decorator!
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