1) How do you show someone that they are special to you?
Aside from telling them, you mean? I do nice things for them, listen to them, send them mail (usually email at this point)...that stuff. This is hard.2) What would be on your menu if you knew your next meal would be your last one?
Uh. Lots and lots and lots of carbs, fat, sugar...so, yeah, basically Thanksgiving. ;-)3) If you could have said one thing to Harry Truman the day he decided to drop the atomic bomb, what would you have said?
"Let's think this through and take a look at that sign on your desk one more time. Is this how you want to be remembered? Do you remember the story of Pandora's box?"4) Who is the person you would most like to help?
Any kid who can't read.5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
There was this episode of "Dirty Jobs" that absolultely made me cry with laughter. Here's part of it
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