Saturday, July 4, 2009

Three at a time

(Found here)

1. What are you doing tonight? Making fruit salad.
2. What was the last thing you ate?Did you enjoy it? A Starburst. I need to go make myself some dinner....
3. Would you ever want a bowling alley in your basement? Nope. Too noisy, and it would require a bigger basement than I'm interested in having.
4. Do you wear hoop earrings? Not very often but I have a couple of pairs.
5. Do you know any professional athletes personally? I don't even know any IMpersonally!
6. What color would you design your dream kitchen? Green and tan.
7. What is your heritage? American.
8. If you had the chance to change your name at birth, what would you change it to? I'm so over worrying about my name.
9. Do you have a maid? Do Beast and Sparky count??
10. Are there any candles burning in the room you're in? I lit one in the dining room, so not really, but I can see it from where I'm sitting.
11. What was the last animal you touched? Therapy dog at the nursing home.
12. What can you hear right now? TV.
13. Are you craving anything at the moment? Solitude.
14. Do you need to empty your trashcan? Nope.
15. When was the last time you had cake? What kind was it? Honestly don't remember. We had loads of cake at my former boss's retirement party last month.
16. What are sitting on? Sofa.
17. When did you last have a stomachache? Comes and goes, different kinds. Right now, I'm hungry, but I had a tension stomachache last week.
18. Where is your significant other at the moment? Ten feet from me in his chair.
19. Have you ever smoked pot? If no, would you? No, and it sounds quite helpful right now.
20. Who's house did you last sleep at, besides your own? My sister’s.
21. What clothing store did you last visit online? Uhm, I don't shop for clothes online, so I have no idea whatsoever.
22. Is it dark outside? Nope. It's lovely out: 7 p.m. on a summer's night.
23. What shoes did you wear today? My sparkly, beaded sandals.
24. If you could pull it off, what hair color would you want to have? Auburn. Or white.
25. Would you ever hire a make-up artist? Nah.
26. Do you think you would make a great CEO? Uh, negatory.
27. How about a Lawyer? I could fake it, if I had a good paralegal.
28. What is the theme of your living room? "Theme"?? It's comfortable.
29. When did you last watch Boy Meets World? Like, never.
30. Would you like to go to Paris? Not particularly, but I suppose I should just get it crossed off my list, eh?


1) If you were given a pencil and paper, what would be the first thing you would draw or write? A list. Not sure Things I should be doing instead of this?
2) What do you think of the Nick Jr. show, Yo Gabba Gabba? I think I'm too old for it.
3) What dish do you know how to prepare? From scratch? Apple pie, mac-n-cheese, the whole Thanksgiving meal (and, therefore, all its components), bread, spaghetti (well, sorta from scratch), pizza (ditto), broiled/baked fish....
4) When you forget things, how do you try to remember? Backtrack mentally, or physically, till it pops back in. However, more often than not lately, I just can't remember.
5) What's your best memory of school? Marching band practice.
6) What band did you like before they became popular? Phranc. I don't think she's popular yet. Also--and ditto--Vinnie James.
7) What's something you used to do as a kid, but no longer do today? Jumprope.
7) is on the way to the fireworks.
8) Do you still have some movies on VHS? Four or five.
9) What would be the first thing you and your best friend would do together? Hug.
10) What do you normally order at McDonald's? Bacon-egg-cheese bagel.
11) What video game do you PWN at? Yeah, none.
12) What do you think of when you hear the words, "This Is How We Do?" I think of my bossy relatives and friends.
13) If we continue doing what we're doing today, do you think the world will still have a future? The planet is unlikely to die because of us. Humans may not have much future, I suppose.
14) What's your favorite dinosaur? Pterodon. Inside family joke.
15) Do you wear something on your feet at hotels? Usually. Except when I'm climbing into bed or the shower.
16) How often do you daydream? Not often enough.
17) Do you have a creative imagination? Prolly.
18) What movie creeps you out? "Psycho" (the original one, of course)
19) If you had a baby, would you be prepared to take care of it? Of course.
20) Would you have it? Get an abortion? Give it up for adoption? The only way I'm having a baby is if someone thrusts one into my hands and runs like hell. So, of course, I'd try to find the critter's family and if that failed, I just do my best to raise it.


1. Are you under the age of 30? No.
2. Are you under the age of 20? {snort} ...hardly
3. Do you own a Phish album, or taped show? No.
4. Do you own both an album and a taped show? No. I'm not even sure I could identify a Phish song.
5. How many records do you own?50? 80? No clue. They're all in storage.
6. Have you ever broken up a fight at school? Uh, yeah.
7. Have you ever been called "hippie" as an insult, but said "thank you"? Nope. Though I could certainly think of worse--and less appropriate--things to be called.
8. How many pieces of hemp jewelry, or clothing do you own? I think my last hemp necklace died over a decade ago.
9. Are you a vegetarian? Well, I EAT them, but I'm not exclusive about it.
10. Are you a vegan? Gah, no.
11. Do you know what a vegan is? I do. Hence the "gah" above.
12. Do you own a lava lamp, a black light poster, glow stars, or love beads? I'd LOVE a lava lamp!! But, sadly, no.
13. Do you own all of the above? No.
14. Do you ever wear hand made clothing, jewelry, etc.? Sometimes.
15. Can you recite at least some of the lyrics to more than 20 Beatles songs? Is there really anyone between the ages of about 40 and 70 who can't?
16. If no, can you recite 10 - 20? See above.
17. If no, can you recite 1 - 9? See above.
18. Can you recite some lyrics to any Beatles songs? Yes, I fucking can. Stop it! Do you want me to WRITE some lyrics? Cuz, yeah, that's a totally different question. So, then: "And anytime you feel the pain / Hey Jude, refrain / Don't carry the world upon your shoulders / For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool / By making his world a little colder." {words to live by, eh?}
19. Do you know who Allen Ginsberg is? I've a vague idea, yes. {eyeroll}
20. Did you cry when he died? No.
21. Can you play a musical instrument? A couple, passably. Several others, badly.
22. Can you play the accoustic guitar (I'm not talking about being able to play Mary Had A Little Lamb, I'm talking REAL songs)? Uh, no.
23. Have you written poems about the beauty of life? No. My poems have nothing to do with emo.
24. Have you recently written poems about how life sucks? Nope. See previous answer.
25. Do you use the words, "groovy", "far out", or "trippy" in your daily life? No. When I do use any of those, I'm totally ironic.
26. Do you own a pair of Birks? No. {shudder}
27. Have you ever marched in a peace march? No, but I would.
28. Do you wear fur? I would if it were cold enough.
29. Do you wear leather? I looooooovvve leather!!
30. Do you constantly burn incence? No. Beast can't stand it at all.
31. Does Bob Dylan's voice gives you nice goosebumps? No, but it gives me nausea.
32. Have you ever worn real flowers in your hair? Not for years and years. My wedding veil had (fake) flowers in it, actually.
33. Would you join a commune? I'd rather register as a Republican!
34. Do you know who sang the theme to "The Wonder Years"? What is the theme song for that show? I never watched it. [having now looked up the title of the song, the answer is Joe Cocker...]
35. Have you ever seen the movie, or listened to the music of "Woodstock"? Have seen many clips, and know most of the songs played at, Woodstock.
36. Can you can finish the words to this song..."And its one, two, three, what are we fighting for?" Ayup: "Don't ask me, I don't give a damn / Next stop is Vietnam / It's five, six, seven / Open up the pearly gates..."
37. How many articles of tie dyed clothing do you own? None. I threw away the T-shirt I got at Joe Cocker's restaurant a couple of years ago.
38. Do you know what Wicca is? Yes.
39. Have you ever meditated? I have. It's not my thing.
40. Did you want Bob Dole to win? He won the war, lost his arm, and I did vote for him in the primary. Figured he'd be easier for the Dems to beat.
41. How many inches of hair reaches past your shoulders? None. My hair is shoulder-length.
42. Does make-up feel icky on your face? Yup. And then it makes my face LOOK icky.
43. Is your bed is just a mattress on the floor? No, I'm a grown-up, thanks.
44. Is your bed just a futon? No, but Sparky's is.
43. Have you have ever worn glitter on your face? Possibly. Not for a million years.
44. Do you think a socialist is a person who parties a lot? No, but Socialists join Parties regularly.


1. So how is your day going? OK. Boring. yay
2. What are you having for dinner tonight? Leftover pizza.
3. Do you ever watch the show "Sex With Mom and Dad"? OMG no! It sounds awful.
4. Doesn't it gross you out? The title certainly does.
5. Do you have your own computer? I do.
6. Have you ever truly been in love? Yup.
7. If so, how did you know? At the risk of sounding like a bad country song, I don't know if I could live without him.
8. Have you ever been given a promise ring? The one time one was promised to me, I ran for the hills.
9. What's your least favorite ice cream flavor? Am NOT a fan of anything very very chocolatey.
10. What about your least favorite gummy bear color? They're all the same to me.
11. How many people have you had sex with? The previous person said, "None of your business." I concur.
12. What upcoming movie do you really want to see? Looking forward to Harry Potter.
13. Have you ever been clubbing? Not for decades.
14. Out of everyone you know, who has the weirdest name? My grandfather. No, I'm not telling you what it was.
15. Have you ever been told you're a good kisser? I have.
16. How old were you when you first drank alcohol? My sister brought wine to Thanksgiving one year when I was around 11 or 12. It was Blue Nun. YUCK.
17. Do you know anyone who's straight edge? Yup.
18. If you're American, who are you voting for? Depends on who is running (but I voted wholeheartedly for Obama last fall).
19. What do you think about the war in Iraq? We've been there way too long.
20. And how about abortion - pro life or pro choice? Pro-choice.
21. What's your favorite Disney movie of all time? It will come as no surprise to ANYone who knows me that I love "The Lion King."
22. Describe how your room is decorated: My bedroom? It's blue and sandy-tan, with loads of water-related paitings, photos and decor. The headboard of the bed is teak, the nightstands are oak, and the dressers are fucking HIDEOUSLY UGLY and fake wood. It's all very dusty. Should be taking care of that now. Oh well.
23. Don't you just hate the Jonas Brothers? I have nothing personally against them.
24. Do you like myspace or facebook? I loathe MySpace, and I'm on Fb all day. Just ask Steven.
25. In pictures do you always do a peace sign? How about never?
26. How old do you wish you were? 25.
27. Who do you text most often? Sparky.
28. Currently, what are your favorite lyrics? "And I, I'm desperate for you / And I, I'm I'm lost without you" ("Breathe," Michael W. Smith)
29. What's the worst book you've ever had to read for school? Moby Dick, The Leatherstocking Tales, and anything by Hemingway are clustered together at the bottom.
30. Do you have any regrets? I've had a few. Can't believe I'm quoting Frank....

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