Thursday, October 30, 2008

Random Survey

(found here)
made by [ohWOWsurveys]
please do not remove, thanks!

1. Can you go a day without laughing? I can, but it's not a good day.
2. Do you have your period right now? Not for over a decade.
3. What currently hurts the most? Nothing is all that bad right now: shoulder's still a little screwed-up, eyes are dry, my feelings are raw.
4. When was the last time you were on MySpace? Never. OK, probably 8 or 9 months for a minute or two; still fugly.
5. Are you in love with the Jonas Brothers? Uh, not likely. They're cute. They look like puppies, and like jailbait too.
6. How many siblings do you have? p l o c k
7. Who are you crushing on? My bed.
8. And where are they right now? bed? Is in my bedroom.
9. Do you work? If so, where? Every-damn-where.
10. What is your intake on abortion? My "intake"? W-T-F? My stance is pro-choice.
11. What is your least favorite music genre? Not a big fan of rap or opera.
12. What is your favorite TV show? CSI.
13. If you got the chance to go to the moon, would you? Sure.
14. If you have a dog(s) what are their name(s)? I don't.
15. Do you watch America's Best Dance Crew? I've absolutely NEVER heard of it. So, no.
16. If yes, who do you want to win? The redhead.
17. What is your favorite song at the moment? It's NOT "Crazy Train."
18. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving. And ... Arbor Day.
19. Have you ever spent the night at the hospital? Yup...about 6 nights as a patient and maybe 5 as a non-patient.
20. What are your biggest phobias? Look, I have answered this so many times that I'm starting to get a phobia about the question!!!!!
21. Do you have any mental disorders? heh Don't we all? Have you read DSM IV??? (and, technically, yes)
22. What was the last thing you made in the kitchen? I heated up leftovers for dinner for Sparky and me.
23. Do you think that you can chose who you want to love? Up to a point. You don't choose your children....
24. How many musical instruments are in your house? Uh, three or four? No, wait, five or six. Not counting items pressed into service as percussion.
25. What is the nearest polka-dotted thing to you? Uh, the DDP can here is sorta dotted (it's supposed to look like a football). Otherwise, I don't think we do dots hereabouts.
26. When was the last time you went to the beach? June.
27. Have you ever been on stage? For what? Band, choir, church stuff, teaching, speeches, whatever.
28. How many necklaces do you own? At the absolutely max, 25.
29. Would you ever date someone younger than you? I married someone younger than me.
30. Say I'm flipping a coin, what side do you call? Heads or Tails? I guess it depends on the day.
31. How often do you use Google? Daily.
32. Or do you use Yahoo instead? Not very often at all.
33. Do you like having your picture taken? Not much.
34. What is the last thing you do in the shower? Turn off the water...? Get out?
35. Do you listen to the radio while showering? Nope.
36. Is tomorrow a special day? Yup.
37. Would you ever live in a different country? If yes, where? Canada's the most obvious, but I wouldn't mind England or Greece.
38. Have you ever been in a real moshpit? Not. Bloody. Likely.
39. How many times have you brushed your teeth today? Once, but not well.
40. And flossed? I usually only do that at bedtime.
41. Are you excited for the new season of Run's House? I'd be much more likely to enjoy dropping LSD.
42. Have you ever been to a club? WTF? Yes.
43. What do you think of Mario Lopez? Oooh, he's hott. {eyeroll} Actually, he seems like a perfectly nice, if overly-self-involved, guy.
44. Can you do a back handspring? Are you on crack?
45. Have you ever been a dancer? I have danced, but not in an organized way.
46. How about a soccer player? Only in gym class. God, how I hated soccer days!
47. Is there a laundry basket in your room? That's where they all live during the week.
48. When is the next time you will be attending a party? No clue.
49. How many times have you been in a hotel? Not enough.
50. Did you enjoy this survey? I would have deleted it, unfinished, if it had sucked.

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