(found here)
1. How many people have you kissed this year, in 2008? Probably not more than 5. I'm huggy, but not particularly kissy.
2. What's your middle name? Me to know and you to not worry about.
3. Where will you be 12 hours from now? On my way to work, or maybe there if my act is together.
5. Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? I rarely have that figured out ahead of time.
6. Where's your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend at? They are all not-here.
8. Are you on a desktop or laptop? Laptop.
9. Does anyone hate you for no reason? I don't know of anyone who hates me. However, if there are people who feel that way, they surely have what they consider good reason.
10. Can you make yourself cry? Yup. All the freakin' time.
11. What are you planning to do to today? It's nearly 8 p.m. and I took a muscle relaxant about 90 minutes ago...my plans are to sleep.
12. Play an instrument? Yup, two sorta-ish.
13. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Only very briefly and with manymanymany stipulations.
14. What are your favorite colors? Blue. Some greens.
15. Have you ever had your nails done? I used to get them done weekly for awhile, which was retarded since I bite them and it was money down the drain.
16. Where did you get the underwear you are wearing now? VS and Kohl's (I think).
17. Have you ever kissed someone who's named starts with an R? First guy I kissed...and some others.
18. Have you ever passed out? Yup.
19. What are you doing tomorrow? Working. Taking the pigs for a pedicure.
20. Are you easily confused? Sometimes. Apparently right this very second I'm too confused to watch football according to the rest of the crowd (in the room with me).
21. Do you think you would make a good wife/husband? I think I'm fine. I'm very irritated right now though; possibly not the best time to ask me this.
22. What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Peppermint.
23. Have you ever loved someone who treated you like crap? Does my kid count? Cuz, they do sometimes. But otherwise, no.
25. What color are your socks? My feets are nekkid.
26. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it? Of course.
28. Does everything happen for a reason? I have no idea. I think we can learn from anything, so in the end it all works out.
29. Have you ever dated someone more than once? As in one series of dates, breaking up, and then another series? Yeah. The second series, both times in my case, were VERY delineated and clear. It worked out all right, more or less, both times.
30. Who have you texted in the last 24 hours?
No one.
31. Last thing you got in the mail? Me personally: something from the SSA. We got a couple of bills today, both addressed to Beast.
32. Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing? The confusion doesn't end with the opposite sex; I find people confusing.
34. What are you listening to right now? Stupid Vonage ad during the football game.
35. How has the week been? It's Monday. I don't work Mondays. I got a good amount of stuff accomplished today and schedule a shitload of other stuff for the rest of the week. The "week" is good to date.
36. What stands out about the person you like? OMG--I went in a completely WRONG direction on this first. His intensity is probably what springs to mind right now.
37. Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't? Yeah. "Thank yous are always required." But the two people who need to hear it won't, no matter what language or venue is used.
38. What is your biggest turn off? Intentionally stupidity.
40. Who was the last person to stay in your bed? "Stay" as in spend all night? Besides me? Beast.
41.Do you prefer being single or taken? Taken. (Mostly--though there are times...there are times...)
42. Are you in love with anyone right now? Yes, I am.
43. Last person to say "I love you" to you? Sparky, on his way to bed.
44. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yup. Hopefully he feels the same way for a little while longer.
45. What is it you truly want right now? A functional body that weighs at least 25% less than it does now.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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