Tuesday, September 9, 2008


(found here)

1. Do you think you get enough sleep at night? Not on a bet.
2. Is there anyone that knows you better then you know yourself? Probably Beast. Definitely God.
3. Where do you go to on Christmas? Christmas Eve service. Sometimes to friends' on the Day.
4. Do you care about what your hair looks like? Yes. I'm actually a little weird about my hair.

5. Have you ever played guitar hero? Not as yet.
6. Do you often question say ask questions starting with "what if"? Not anymore.
7. Who is first on your speed dial? No clue.
8. How were you at age 8? I was so awesome they had to invent a new word for awesome!
9. Do you like white or black more? Black
10. Have you ever wanted a mohawk? Nope.

11. How many hours of tv do you watch in a week? Probably 15-20.
12. Did something make you mad today? Yes. Stupid kid. (not mine)
13. Last text? "Yes, but I'm your goof."
14. What do you put on your toast? I rarely have toast.
15. If your friends were going on a road trip, would you go? Oh, yeah, bigtime.

16. Why did you last laugh? The aforementioned text amused me when it arrived awhile ago.
17. Are you a believer? In what?
18. Would you change your last name if you were married? I added to it when I got married.
19. Who do you hate more than anyone? I don't really hate anyone. A lot of people really annoy me, though.
20. What day is today? Tuesday

21. Do you sing off key? Yes, sometimes.
22. Have you ever slept with your hair wet? Of course.
23. Do you want something right now? Sleep and healthy, happy eyes.
24. Are you an artist? Only in the vaguest sense.
25. Nintendo Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360? We have none of the above.

26. Did you go out of the house today? I had to go to work, so...yeah.
27. Do you wear bandanas? Very occasionally.
28. Do you like bananas? Yes.
29. What holidays do you celebrate? The good ones.
30. Where you there to watch the ball drop or did you watch it on tv? Neither. I think New Year's is retarded.

31. What color is your hair dryer? Gray
32. What color is your bra? Brown
33. Are you wearing anything unusual? ...define your terms
34. What kind of colors do you like? Blues, some browns, black.
35. Are you wearing earrings? Yup.

36. Do you type alot [sic] or a lot? Lots
37. Have you ever smoked pot? Nope
38. What color is your cat or dog? I have neither. Boo!
39. What do you think of your siblings? I love them, but it sure is hard sometimes.
40. Does it matter if your bf gf smokes? If he wants me to kiss him, Beast needs to not smoke.

41. How about drinking? A drink on occasion is fine.
42. Do you want someone you cant [sic] have? Not right now.
43. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? Yes! Yes yes yes!
44. Favorite sport to watch? Football!!
45. Its Saturday night, you're home alone...what do you do? Saturday, Tuesday, they're all the same to me: blog, read, sleep.

46. Can you do the splits? Not if I want to stay out of the hospital!
47. Do you like roller coasters? They're ok.
48. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be? I wouldn't.
49. What are you doing this weekend? I work Saturday and Sunday.
50. What's your favorite restaurant? Six Balls, Panera, Olive Garden.

51. Do you usually fall for the right or wrong one? I've been fortunate to mostly fall for good guys.
52. Have you ever hugged someone? Der.
53. What is your favorite store? My local independent bookstore.
54. Jeans or sweats? Depends.
55. Which year has been the best so far? 1986 was pretty great. So was 1992.

56. What should you be doing right now? Taking a bath and then hitting the sheets.
57. What is your favorite tv show? Survivor, CSI, TAR.
58. Color? Do I? Not often.
59. Are you attracted to boys/girls that smoke? Extremely not.
60. Would you want a chill laid back gf/bf or a party animal? I would not want to hang around a party animal.

61. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people? Yep. July was the most recent instance.
62. Explain your dream car: Jeep CJ7, brown, soft- (or no-) sider.
63. What do you do when you're at home? Lots of stuff, everything from chores to blogging to talking on the phone to sleeping.
64. Whats your favorite subject? Myself.

65. Do you like to go to concerts? Some are good. They aren't my favorite-est thing, though.
66. Favorite type of music? Good!!
67. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Beast is to my right.
68. Scariest thing you've ever done? Kept going in the face of things.
69. What annoys you? STOOPUD survey questions! [I'm editing the worst of them out as I go now]
70. If you had one super power, what would it be? Invisibility.

71. Ever got a saturday school? No clue what this is, unless it's detention. So, regardless--no.
72. Been kicked out of class? Don't think so, no.
73. Are you jealous person? Not really.
74. Are you friends with people that you shouldn't be friends with? There are a couple of people in my life that I've let get too close and now regret that!
75. Does anything on your body hurt, if so why? I think I've had the same headache off and on now for over six weeks. I'm pretty tired of it.

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