...did Ms. Kwiz
On a scale from 1 to 10, how good are you at Guitar Hero? Never tried it, since it would involve wresting the miniature guitar away from large teenagers. Hence, probably -4.
What tv show do you watch most? Lately, it's the Olympics. Normally, it's stuff on the Discovery channel. Not one show to the exclusion of others.
Do you have a job? I do get paid to work, yes.
If you had a paid vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go? If I had to go now, I wouldn't. At any other time, Ydra.
Do you think the guy should always pay? FUCK NO!
Have you ever wanted to be on a game show? Yes, but I was young then and incredibly foolish.
Randomly click on a song from your playlist. What's the first line of that song? I've got U-Pop (XM) on, so I'll go with the song that just started: "Confidence is a must/Cockiness is a plus" (What a stupid song...)
Who was your first kiss? Ron. But he kissed about 3 dozen girls within about an hour because he was wearing mistletoe over his head.
Describe your dream house. Small. Good construction, indoor plumbing, central heat and air, large airy rooms. Location is important. Nowhere near where I currently live, either.
Where did you last go out to eat? Six Balls, Sunday, with my retarded family members.
What did you order? Freakishly, the same thing that was already in the answer here: chicken Caesar salad. Also, chicken with rice soup.
Have you ever been in a car wreck? Yup. Just eentsy ones, though. Thank God.
What do you plan on naming your baby girl? I believe I forfeited that privilege with my ovaries 10 years ago.
Your baby boy? He frequently goes by Dorkface nowadays. ;-) (Honestly, I've been calling him Wonderful an awful lot this month, but that would totally destroy his credibility if it got out, no?)
What's your musical guilty pleasure? Ricky Martin.
What was the last book you read? The last one I finished was New Orleans Beat. I'm so far behind in my book blog updates it's no longer funny.
Are you happy with the way you look? I don't get overly worked up about it anymore.
How long does your morning routine take? If I shower, 45 minutes tops. Otherwise, I'm good to go in half an hour unless I turn on the computer.
What is the dumbest thing you've ever done? Oh, the list from which to choose just got shredded. I'm so sorry.
Do you return the buggies at Wal-Mart? I put them in the corral.
What is your favorite fast food place? Taco Bell.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? I work. Otherwise, I'm not sure what's going on. Perhaps I'll do some laundry.
Are there any movies you've seen more than ten times? A couple of the Monty Pythons, The Sound of Music, and RHPS.
What are your biggest pet-peeves? Hmmm, that may have gotten shredded with the Dumb Acts list.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Bagel.
Do you like to cook? Nope.
What music genres could the world do without? The world? Uh, I wouldn't deign to deprive someone of their favorites.
What do you want to do for the rest of your life? Live.
Do you get along with your siblings? As long as they stay FAR AWAY from me, yes.
Are you good at Sudoku puzzles? Yes.
Are you a pack-rat? I'm getting better, since I'm married to a ginormous one.
How late did you sleep this morning? The alarm first went off at 5:40. I was up at 6:05.
Are you a creative person? In some areas.
Do you like to sing? Yes. I love singing. I would love to be in a choir, but I can't deal with drama. I'm still hunting for a fairly drama-free choir.
How many songs are on your ipod? I'm way too lazy to look right now.
What was the last movie you saw in theaters? Speed Racer.
Was it any good? I thought the F/X were outstanding, and I 'got' the concept, apparently better than most of the critics did. Have they never seen real manga before??
What color are your pants? Khaki clamdiggers.
What did you do to celebrate last Valentine's Day? This.
Is your house clean? More so than it has been in weeks...months, even.
How old are you? 16,352 days. (DAMN)
Do you agree with gay marriage? Depends on whose. I really could care less who people marry, especially if I'm not personally involved. I think we should try to stay within the same species, but otherwise...whatever.
Do you have any plants in your house? Just on.
Are you afraid of getting old? And the other options are...?
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Bagel (from McD's though)
Who's in the room with you? The pigs are around the corner.
On a scale from 1-10 how's life right now? On balance, 6 I guess.
Do you drink coffee? Nope.
Are you allergic to anything? Damn, THAT list was shredded too! (I'm allergic to a lot)
Sunday night
5 years ago
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