Friday, August 15, 2008

Cinn's Friday 5

(Link in blogroll)
we're still fighting it.

[01] What is something best about being your sex/gender?
The best thing about being female is the freedom to cry. In fact, it's nearly an expectation, so letting go with tears isn't ever really questioned. Also, more fun clothes. ;-)
[02] What is something best about being the opposite sex/gender?
Physical strength.
[03] When do you most feel empowered by your sex/gender?
When I'm around other strong women and we're all working toward the same goal. It happens often in the library world.
[04] When do you least feel empowered by your sex/gender?
When I'm surrounded by other women who are doing their best job at sabotaging each other, me, and themselves. This also happens quite often in the my occupation.
[05] What measures must be taken in order to achieve gender equality? Do you think such a goal is achievable?
I would love to see the ERA passed, but clearly I'm an anachronism on that since it's been dead for more than 25 years now. I would also love people to stop telling other people what they are allowed to do. This goes way beyond gender roles, by the way, and encompasses race, sexual choices, and a lot of other things. How enlightened can our society actually be if we are still worrying about stuff other people do that really has no effect on us? Really, what difference does it make who I sleep with, what job I have, whether my skin has more (or less) melanin, what my fashion choices are, how much and what I eat...? Most of those choices matter very little to passing strangers. Leave me the hell alone to make my own good and bad choices, yo!

Oops, I seem to have veered away from the question. Sorry. ;-)

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