Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ultimate Randomness

(found here)

1. Are you smiling? Uh, no.

2. Do you know anyone named Josh? I think so. I used to know a kabillion guys named Josh. Where have they all gone?

3. What is irritating you now? I'm so very tired. And thin-skinned.

4. When did you last eat pizza? Tonight.

5. Have you ever been camping? Yes. Ugh.

6. Do you have any friends who are famous? Nope. Which is good.

7. Are you any good at poker? Yes, if I may say so myself.

8. What do you want? Oh, so much....

9. Are you tired? See #3.

10. Do you like anyone? The list seems to be shortening up again.

11. Can you play the piano? Only one-handedly and pretty slowly.

12. Do you ever throw up? Only when I'm sick.

13. Do you pee in public? Only in appropriate receptacles.

14. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos? I don't enjoy getting them. I enjoy having pierced ears, though.

15. Taco Bell or McDonald's? Taco Bell.

16. Last thing you said? "How do you NOT KNOW where you last had your laptop in public??"

17. What are you wearing? M&S blouse, capris, a necklace (!!!), earrings, watch and glasses. And underwear.

18. How many Abercrombie shirts do you own? None. Not one.

19. How many Myspace views do you have? Plock....

20. Do you want to be a princess? No thanks. The one time I ever felt like a princess it was stultifying.

21. Do you believe dreams come true? With a great deal of work.

22. Last song you heard? No clue.

23. Do you like Batman? I like Christian Bale; does that count?

24. Who is in the room with you? Beast and the piggies.

25. What are you wearing on your feet? New nail polish on my toesies.

26. What is your favorite pair of shoes? My newest pair, from Wal-Mart, are suprisingly comfy walking shoes.

27. Who was the last person you told you loved them? Sparky, when he went to bed.

28. What was the last thing you ate? An iced sugar cookie.

29. What were you doing before this? Friending someone on Fb.

30. What is the closest item near you that is black? The keyboard of the laptop.

31. Who instant messaged you last? Annie, via Fb IMd me to friend Melissa.

32. Who's house did you go to last? Uh....? Sister Clara's?

33. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans. I haven't worn sweats in a long time.

34. What is the last movie you watched? I have no idea.

35. Why are you taking this survey? Bored. Can't go to bed yet.

36. Do your friends ever tell you to stop taking surveys? They wouldn't dare!

37. Ever been to Sounds hideous...but unfortunately, I'm afraid I have actually been there.

38. Where are your parents? Mom's in bed, I'm sure. Dad's in heaven.

39. Where did you get the pants you're wearing? Sam's Club last month.

40. Coach Purse or MLB game tickets? I'll have the cash. If one of the choices was Packers' tickets, I'd have those.

41. Where was your default MySpace picture taken? Plock

42. Why did you pick your background? PLOCK!

43. Who are you currently texting? Nadie--mi telefona esta en otra sala.

44. Are you happy with where you are? Physically, yes. In other various ways, not so much.

45. Is cheating ever ok? Sure. If it's life or death, cheat away!

46. Do you burn candles? Not as often as I used to.

47. Are you happy with yourself? More often than not, I guess.

48. What was your entire schedule today? Well, I'll start with the alarm going off at 7:30. I got up and showered, woke Beast up, read today's Bible readings, went to church, cried, went to breakfast, went to work, actually managed to have a good time, came home, listened to Beast talk to his parents and brother, ordered a pizza, did a couple of memes, cleared out some more Bloglines posts, updated my reading list, ate pizza, checked email and Fb, now this.

49. Do you want something you can't have? Always. The human condition?

50. What makes you smile the most? Babies.


001. What can you hear right now? Dr. G. Medicine Woman, and Beast's bag of Ruffles.

002. What was the last thing you bought from Hollister? What is this fixation with Hollister?!

003. Whose house, other than your own, did you last sleep at? The hotel in Anaheim?

004. What was the last movie you saw in theatres? Speed Racer.

005. What kind of car does your mom drive? Her license has been yanked for almost 5 years now.

006. Do you have a passport? Yep.

007. Where were you a week ago? Probably right here.

008. How old is the person you like right now? I like a lot of people, of very varying ages.

009. Do they like you back? More or less.

010. Who was the last person you went swimming with? It was easily a decade-plus ago--I have no idea.

011. What is your least favorite commercial? Every V!agr@-slash-C!@lis commercial! And the ad about mesothelioma.

012. What kind of car were you in last? Ford Ranger.

013. What is the last roadtrip you took? To the Medium-Large City west of us for our anniversary last week.

014. How about plane ride? The last one was the flight home from California a couple of weeks ago.

015. What does your back yard look like? GREEEEEEEEN!

016. When was the last time you played tennis? A long time. Don't remember, but it was before we moved to this house.

017. What is the last magazine you read? Real Simple.

018. What song are you listening to? Not music; TV.

019. Has one of your favorite TV shows ever been cancelled? Frequently.

020. What did you do today? Covered this already.

021. What is the latest you've stayed up in the past week? 1 a.m. Every damn night.

022. Have you ever recieved a love letter? Several.

023. What was the last mall you went to? Probably Spr!ng H!ll.

024. Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Yup. Sigh....

025. Have you ever been to Nevada? Three or four times.

026. If you could have any pet what would it be? Dog.

027. What was the last game you played on a playground? Errr??????

028. What do you call soda? Pop. Or soda, when I slip.

029. Do you have any laundry you have to do? There's a little--probably not even a load.

030. Who is your favorite 'Desperate Housewife"? Me.

031. Who is your favorite professional athlete? Up until Friday, it was Brett Favre, hands down, no contest. I'm re-evaluating how strongly I feel about that now.

032. Have you ever had a hotel room to just yourself and your friends? Well, duh, yeah!

033. Do you hate it when people are mean to their parents? Yes.

034. Have you ever heard of TiVo? Have I heard of it? Well, yeah, I crawled out from under the rock several decades ago....

035. Who do you share a bathroom with? Beast.

036. Is there a theme to your bathroom? There are a lot of lighthouses in there....

037. Which TV show have you seen pretty much every episode of? CSI and CSI Miami. Also most of Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs, and now Ice Road Truckers.

038. Is the person you like physically attractive? I think so.

039. What color car does your family have? Green. Both of 'em.

040. What is on the desk next to you? I'm on the sofa.

041. What color is your mailbox? Gray weathered wood.

042. What's the name of the kid you babysit? Would that be Sparky? Or all the youth group kids?

043. What restaurant do you want to eat at right now? I'm totally not interested in eating right now.

044. When was the last time you went on a long walk? Anaheim two weeks ago.

045. What is your favorite thing to do to relax? Take a long bath.

046. Do you have regrets? Of course.

047. Are you addicted to myspace? I'm quoting the person who did this before me: "No. Fuck MySpace."

048. What is holding you back from going out with the person you like? Nothing.

049. Football or Baseball? Football.

050. Where is the best place to get bagels? Plock (or Sam's Club).

051. What is the cutest thing a guy has said to you lately? Oh, hell--who knows?! Beast told me an incredibly lame joke awhile ago.

052. What is the last card game you played? Egyptian Rat Screw.

053. Do you watch Kyle XY? No.

054. Isn't Matt Dallas so good looking? Who is Matt Dallas? Uh...not particularly my type.

055. What other celebrity do you think is really good looking? Brad Pitt, Bono, Denzel Washington, Christian Bale, William Peterson George Eads...lots of others.

056. What is your opinion on abortion? Pro-choice.

057. How about the war? We need to wind it up and get out.

058. Would you get drunk because it was the cool thing to do? I have done. I probably wouldn't do it nowadays.

059. What athletes' jerseys do you have? Reggie White's and two Brett Favre's.

060. What was the last thing you remember learning in science? That was over 25 years ago! I dunno.

061. Have you ever finished a game of Monopoly? Yes.

062. Where is the best place to ski or snowboard? On snow. I don't do either; I think it's retarded.

063. What movie do you really want to see right now? Several. Any, really.

064. Who was with you on the last vacation you had a really good time on? Kelly (though it wasn't a vacation precisely).

065. Do you know how to play poker? Yes. And well. I've already told you that, though.


About YOU:
Do you have a lot of friends? Enough, I guess.
Do you like your family? Some more than others.
What kind of music do you like? It's easier to say that I don't like opera, and I don't understand Asian music.
Would you ever run for president? Shoot me first.
Is there a song lyric that you think reflects your life? "I once was lost but now am found / Was blind but now I see"

Just Random
What color is your tooth brush? White and blue.
Were you anti-boy bands back in the day? No.
What type of survey questions do you hate? Cell phones and MySpace.
Is there anything that you need to have all of the time? Air.
Conditioner? Shampoo? Back to Basics.
Do you feel guilty easily? Yup.
Do you constantly think someone is mad at you? ...I mostly don't care, unless I like the person.
Do you find yourself at all eccentric? We all are, to a greater or lesser extent.
Are you bossy? Yes.
If your father was your age and not your father, would you be friends? Actually, we might. Though he was pretty busy, with a new baby on the way!
Are you involved in school activites? Not in school. I try to stay out of Sparky's stuff now, though.
Do people call you any names that bother you? I can't stand when a friend of mine adds "Lou" to my first name. It's retarded, and it makes me nuts.
What's your family situation? Oh, forget it! Not at this point in the day!
What color shirt are you wearing? Navy and white stripes.

When's the last time you...
Brushed your teeth? This morning.
Listened to a rap song? Sometime last week.
Listened to a rock song? Today.
Went out to eat? This morning.
Got a phone call? Don't remember.
Made a phone call? This afternoon.
Skipped school? I think the only days I ever skipped were 'official' skip days.
Felt guilty? All day.
Went swimming? Plock
Went shopping? Yesterday.
Got a 100 on a test? Probably my Reference class.
Were insulted? Plock

Have you ever...
Smoked? No.
Drank? Yes.
Sworn? Daily.
Lied? Yep.
Cheated? Not much for a long time.
Been off of your continent? Yep
Ran away from home? Only short term.
Left a party/"get-together" because you felt uncomfortable? The only frat party I ever attended.
Questioned your existence? Yes.
Been on a cruise ship? Not yet.

More Random Questions
Have you ever been insulted by a stranger? Yup. Schmucks.
Do you make plans around your TV? Sometimes.
Do you enjoy cooking? NO!
Have you ever tried to start a hot new phrase on your own? Not intentionally.
...And succeeded? Possibly.
Would you want to write a book? I'd love to!
Do you think the 80s will come back? In about 72 years...
Did you ever stick money in your bra? Yes, but not often.
What about your shoe? Yes. And in my knee-socks.
Ever stick a condom in your shoe? I don't think that's where they belong, in my experience. ;-)

Do you have an amazing lover you'd like to tell us about? If so, go ahead. No, thanks.
Are you one of those who cry and cry after a 2 week relationship ends? Depends on how it ends and how much I'd invested in it.
Do those people disgust you? No.
Are you excessively flirtacious? That would be a negatory.
Virgin? That would be a startling admission, wouldn't it?!
Willing to give your WHOLE life so a relationship works? Maybe....
Do those people annoy you? Only the lunatics.

Have you ever seen Star Wars: Episode II? Trust me, I've seen 'em all!
Chicken Little? No. Yuck.
Did Dodgeball have a point? None that I could ascertain.
What did you think of the ending of Coyote Ugly? Have not seen it.
Favorite movie sequel? I liked the last Batman (the first with Christian Bale).
Worst movie ever? Snow Dogs is up there somewhere.

MORE random questions!
Do you have a MySpace? Yes, but I don't use it.
Online journal? If a blog counts, yes.
Niece/nephew? I have four of each.
What's the grimmiest thing you've ever done? What is "grimmiest"? Once that's explained I'll have an answer for you.
Do you have a cell phone? Yeah.
Do you know all the words to "American Pie"? I know almost all the lyrics to the song, but have never seen the movie.
Do you enjoy taking internet quizzes that tell you about your personality? Sure.
Taking surveys where you tell the internet about your personality? Blerk.
Do you know what a nimphophobiac is? I believe it's a typo that means someone who is afraid of sex. Or nymphs.
Do you believe in God? Yup.
What kind of dressing do you use for your salad? I prefer blue cheese.
Blue or black ink? Don't care. I prefer pencils.
Ever written a love note? Yes.
Do you call people strange things? Only people I know VERY well!
Do you go to church? Yes.

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