(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
What's your middle name? It's from the Bible.
Do you have kids? I have one.
Are you barefooted right now? Yes. I love summer.
What's your favorite animal? Wolf.
Do you like country music? Some of it.
Name one thing that's happened in your life you wish you could change? I wish I had a better relationship with my oldest nephews.
Are you in college? Not anymore.
What's your favorite movie? Heathers.
How often do you re-do your Myspace profile? Never.
Is there an umbrella close by you? No. The nearest one is in the back closet, where I found it today while cleaning.
Isn't Winnie the Pooh AWESOME? I do like Milne's Pooh. I loathe what has become of him.
Do you believe in gay marriage? I wish it existed. Maybe if we all believed hard enough it would happen.
Have you ever been out of the country? Yes.
Where's your favorite place to buy clothes? Kohl's.
What's the most recent CD you've bought? Lifehouse, way back in the winter.
Do you like to fish? Yawn. I like to cast, but can't be bothered to stand and wait.
What color are the walls in your room? They are pale green in this room. My bedroom is blue and sand.
Are you dating anyone? Only Beast.
Do you ever want to get married? Only one marriage for me.
How many pets do you have? There are two guinea pigs in the house.
What's your favorite color? Blue.
Do you like candles? Yes, but I haven't lit any in awhile.
Name one song that no matter how hard you try, you can't get out of your head. "Do Your Ears Hang Low"--I have no idea why.
What's your favorite TV commercial? I like the screaming animals one. It makes me snort.
How long does it take you to get ready to go somewhere? From bed to car, I can be ready in 10 minutes (but I won't be ready for public viewing that way). I can't, really, take longer than an hour--that would be lengthy, even including a shower.
Do you like to read? Well, DUH! :-)
How old are you? 44
Do you like dogs? I love dogs. I can't really be around most of 'em anymore, but I love 'em.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere but here in the winter. Colorado would be perfect.
When is the last time you colored in a coloring book? Oooh, it's been awhile. I like to color.
What football team do you support? Packers, of course. And the Browns and Broncos.
What time do you wake up each morning? Depends.
Do you know anyone who is a Hannah Montana fan? Not that I'm aware of. I tend to not hang with the pre-teen set.
Are you a funny person? I'm outrageously hysterically funny.
How do you feel about global warming? I'm agin it.
What star sign are you? Scorp.
How do you feel about your best friend? This is such a goofy question. I love her, of course.
Are you hyperactive? I have my moments of it, but it's not frequent.
Do you believe that music is your life? Uh...no...? I like it a lot, though.
Do you ever dance when no one's looking? Of course.
Have you ever smoked before? Only when irate.
Would you rather be called hot, cute, or awesome? Awesome.
Do you prefer ice cream or cake? Wedding cake, with lots of icing.
Have you ever been in serious trouble with the law? I've never been in any real trouble with the law.
Travel by bike or walk? Walk.
Do you believe in religion? Do I believe it exists? Do I believe in A religion? What the fuck? Yes, and yes.
Are you much more mature than those your own age? Huh. No. I'm pretty average, I think.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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